Myanmar Prayer Guide

In our busy world full of schedules, notifications and quick bites of information, it’s too easy to forget things. I don’t know about you, but I find myself continuously setting digital notifications and adding to my to-do lists to help me remember daily tasks.

And I find myself wanting to incorporate prayer into my daily to-dos, but sometimes I forget that, too. That’s why we had the idea of doing a Week of Prayer for Myanmar a few weeks ago, with daily reminders on our social media channels (Instagram and Facebook). We were able to interview some Firefall supporters with connections to Myanmar to learn more about what they’re praying for Myanmar and why.

We hope you also find connection, prayer inspiration and hope in these words offered up for a nation in crisis.

Maybe you want to work through some prayers while you’re exercising or doing your morning devotional. Maybe you want to make your own week of prayer for Myanmar and work through each card below. Be flexible as the Lord leads you.

Prayers for Myanmar

Claudia- Myanmar prayer week 2.png

This supporter’s connection to Myanmar:
“My history with Myanmar began through prayer updates through Nancy and Jim about the country, then meeting Pastor David from Myanmar at the Firefall 25th anniversary celebration in Arkansas. Since then, I had the opportunity to travel with Firefall to Myanmar, witness the House of Glory ministry and personally grow from it, as well as coach with Pastor David and his wife.”

Prayer for Myanmar:
“I am praying for protection and strength for the people of Myanmar as a whole, as well as Pastor David and his flock. Prayers are also offered that God will use this crisis and chaos to open hearts and doors for Him as Pastor David and their church reach out to many.”

Prayer for Freedom & Safety

Dan- Myanmar prayer week 2.png

Connection to Myanmar:
“I've been to Myanmar six times. I met Nancy through a friend and we started an adventure in this beautiful place. I helped with the Firefall soccer tournaments. Spending the time with the guys, sharing our testimonies and training the kids. I also brought with me several guys from Spain to serve, and each trip changed each of our lives. Myanmar is my second home, and Pastor David and his church are my second family.”

Prayer for Myanmar:
“We are praying for freedom in this country. God has a plan in Myanmar, and it will happen. We pray for safety for our brothers and sisters.”

Prayer for New Christians

Mary Jo- Myanmar prayer week 2.png

Connection to Myanmar:
“I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Myanmar in 2011 with Nancy and several others from Arkansas who had a heart for the country and its people. Especially the children.”

Prayer for Myanmar:
“I know how hard Firefall, Pastor David and others have worked to bring Jesus to as many people as possible in Myanmar. Those who have been saved live in danger, especially since the military has reestablished control. I pray that these new Christians will be comforted and that they will be brave and courageous as they face their daily lives. I pray especially for Pastor David if he’s in the line of danger. I pray that there will be enough food for nourishment and medical supplies for those in need. I pray that all will be fed and encouraged by the Word and that even more will be saved by its promises.”

Prayer for Churches

Susanna- Myanmar prayer week 2.png

Connection to Myanmar:
“I remember being up one night in 2006 praying for the nations when God highlighted Myanmar to me on a map. I began to pray for this loved country nearly every night during that season. The Lord led me to places of intercession for souls, praying that He would open up a wide door for His Word to go forth. In the last two years, I was able to meet Pastor David and the fire for Myanmar was rekindled.”

Prayer for Myanmar:
“Now I am praying the same, that those believers who are arrested would be able to reach the hardest hearts in prison. I am asking for hearts to receive Jesus as the one true God and that their hearts would be set ablaze for him.

I pray that the churches would be like a greenhouse flourishing and bearing fruit in the most unlikely conditions. Joy unspeakable and full of glory! Peace unshakable.”

Ps. 16:8-11

Prayer for Rescue

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Prayer for Myanmar:

“Lord, rescue the people of Myanmar from the hand of tyranny - that they may go forth in freedom both physically and spiritually.”

Thank you

Thank you for your prayers and for standing with these believers and this nation during this difficult time.

Celebrating Salvation

Today’s cuppa is a soothing, calming peppermint herbal tea. On this chilly, rainy morning, I am sipping slowly, pondering salvation.

My dear friend and Firefall board member Clarice Kling once shared this about her father-in-law, “he never ‘got over’ his salvation. He loved to share about it and he always cried.” What a remembrance and testimony.

I am pondering salvation for two reasons during these days. Jim and I received a report from Pastor David in Myanmar that eight people recently decided to follow Jesus Christ as their Savior. Last week, he spent three evenings with those who recently read the evangelistic Bibles and wanted to know more. David taught them from creation to salvation. Six of the group chose to be baptized last Sunday.

These new followers of Jesus will face ridicule, persecution, rejection and possible physical harm from their Buddhist families. Please pray for their strength and growth as disciples. Please pray for Pastor David and House of Glory as they give an answer to the hope that is within them in a nation where so few have heard the name of Jesus.

There’s another reason I am fixated on salvation this week. My five-year-old granddaughter pulled me aside in her bedroom and confided, “Mimi, I have asked Jesus into my heart. Now I am a Christian!” Her desire to share this great news with me brought a combo of celebration and tears that I will not soon forget. Her parents led her in this milestone moment of prayer.

As my granddaughter professed her new identity, my perception of her shifted, as well. She will always be my grandchild, but now she is also my sister in Christ, part of my “forever family” on a journey that will not end at death. As I pray for new believers in Myanmar, I pray for her, too, to grow strong in God’s Word, in worship and loving fellowship.

Behold, God is my salvation,

I will trust and not be afraid;

For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song;

He also has become my salvation.

Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. -Isaiah 12:2-3

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said,

‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.’ -Matthew 18:2-3

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. -John 17:3

May we all ponder our salvation and be strengthened in our identity as beloved children of our loving Father and partakers of eternal life because of Jesus Christ’s death on our behalf. May we, too, never ‘get over’ our salvation!

With a grateful heart,


What a Year! 2020 in Review

For Firefall International, 2020 was some kind of year.


The largest single project our Firefall friends and national partners took on was the construction of the Glory Community Center in Myanmar. Because of the pandemic, materials were hard to get, prices increased, and the number of workers on site was limited.


On the other hand the pandemic created more opportunities to reach suffering people than ever before with food, water and compassionate expressions of the love of Jesus. We could never have dreamed how God would open communities and hearts like He did.

Hear a Christmas greeting and update on 2020 projects from Jim & Nancy.

Together, by the grace of the Lord:

  • We assisted Pastor David to complete the Glory Community Center in Myanmar. Even before its completion, it was impacting the community, reaching out with aid to suffering people, distributing water in a drought and launching a monthly feeding program that touched thousands

    • The community leaders used it as a polling location for 1200 people

    • It will become the new library/reading room for the community (over 1000 members)

    • The Glory Reading Room provides education to children whose families are too poor to send them to government schools.

    • The Glory Football (soccer) Club suspended operations but will resume with new offices in the Center

  • We dug a new well in an area in Rakhine State, one of the most dangerous in the nation. The well will help build relationships for a church planter there

  • Pastor David has formed a network of 15 church planters with a vision for multiplication

  • More church planters in Myanmar are supported by friends of Firefall

  • We supported Bible purchase and distribution for Christmas outreaches in 4 locations (Thanks for answering our call for support last week. The need was met within a day!)

In Vietnam, we:

  • Provided flood relief in the form of food and water purification devices for thousands

  • Repaired storm damage to the Hope Center ministry to children who, if not for the center, would wander the streets while parents work.

  • Helped poor children have a brighter future through English lessons

  • Mentored a couple in ministry (Minh & Blessing) who are replicating seminars for couples in ministry to help them to be healthy and effective in family and ministry.



We kicked off the year by leading a Tour of Israel. We made some new Firefall friends, enjoyed the amazing experience with long-time partners, and everyone enjoyed fellowship with David and Minh. The Lord was in the timing so that we returned to the US before lockdown began. (Learn more about our 2022 Israel and Jordan trip and watch our trip video.)

For many, 2020 was a trying and even tragic year. In the midst of trial and loss, the Lord made a way to make disciples of all nations and bring glory to the Father.

Thank you for allowing Firefall International to be part of your lives through prayer and your generous investment!

Thoughts from Bethlehem for This December

On this frosty morning, I am veering from the usual tea option and celebrating the first week of Advent with Trader Joe’s delicious spiced apple cider.


While sipping this delicious mixture garnished with a cinnamon stick, my mind returns to a special time in Bethlehem:

In January of this year, Jim and I had the honor of leading a group of pilgrims to visit Israel. One chilly morning our guide Mickey led us to Bethlehem. After a short walk, we followed him down some steps and into a grotto, or cave. Being claustrophobic on occasion, I was unsure about entering this space. To my surprise, I found it to be broad and comfortable, warm and cozy. The entrance could be closed off at night as the shepherds would lay brush there to secure the sheep inside who were birthing their lambs. There was space to make a fire and plenty of room for our group to sit and sing "Away in a Manger" as we took time to reflect and worship.

Photo by Pawan Sharma via Unsplash

Photo by Pawan Sharma via Unsplash

I learned that the shepherds mentioned in Luke 2:1-20 were Levitical shepherds, appointed to tend and protect the flocks destined for sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem, just 5 miles away. As we sang our simple carol in this humble and safe place, the vastness of God's plan of redemption expanded my heart. I tasted afresh the wonder of Perfect Love breaking into earth from heaven to address the sin, fear and estrangement of mankind. In Bethlehem, the Lamb of God was announced to those responsible for temporary atonement. The message of the angel signaled the upcoming end of animal sacrifice since Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and Savior, had come.

This birth announcement of all birth announcements came with an angelic visitation, the shining Glory of God and a heavenly host praising God and His provision of the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God. Verse 10 of Luke 2 tells us more about the birth announcement:

  • Do not fear - God is giving us good news!

  • This news is the most joyous ever!

  • This news is for ALL people!

I began 2020 pondering the beauty of this birth announcement and I am choosing to return to it at the close of 2020, clinging to what is true and eternal and finding my purpose within this marvelous proclamation. May we return to our lives as the shepherds did, glorifying and praising God for His love and His perfect provision in Jesus Christ. There is a world waiting to hear this good and joyous news.

Firefall International Israel/Jordan Tour 2022

In case you have an interest, Firefall International will be returning to Israel in late January of 2022. For this tour, we will spend the last three days in Jordan, touring Petra and Mt. Nebo.

For more information, check out our Special Events page. We would love for you to join us!

Musings on Marriage

Today’s cuppa is a fragrant and delicious Earl Grey from Dilmah on this sunny, early fall day. 


This morning, I am thanking God for my husband, Jim, our marriage and our family. The move from Hot Springs to Raleigh almost eleven months ago has brought into focus the treasure of our adult daughters and their families. While I deeply miss friendships and aspects of my decades of life in Arkansas, the strength and shelter of a loving marriage has surely fortified my heart in this year. 

Jim and I are perhaps the most polar opposite of people. He has files, I have “piles.” He is an internal processor. I have been accused of being “an opinion waiting to land.” We have had our rough patches over this journey of 41 years, learning to communicate, forgive and to complete rather than compete. We are not yet perfect in our union, but thank God we are moving towards each other rather than apart, by God’s grace. We are finding joy in the small things like walking the dogs together and a challenging game of spades. 

About 15 years ago, we met and fell in love with Minh and his wife, Blessing, while serving in Vietnam. We saw in them a purity of purpose in serving Jesus and a deep love for one another. As we got to know them over the years, we shared openly about our ministry and marriage, including both victories and failures. We enjoyed working together to offer conferences and training in their nation. We also spent time over meals and coffee, building friendship and trust, listening to their dreams and rough patches in their relationship. This brings to mind the verse “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” I Thessalonians 2:8

Minh, Blessing and their children

Minh, Blessing and their children

We learned from Minh and Blessing that values of balance in family life and ministry are rare in their nation. Many wives feel alone and children suffer as their fathers place church duties ahead of them. Minh and Blessing committed to do the hard work of listening, talking and working through issues together. Now, they are leading marriage seminars in their nation, embodying the testimony of a flourishing marriage and bringing challenge to church leaders. Their tears and transparency are opening hearts to the Holy Spirit, resulting in conviction, repentance and healing between husbands and wives and children. 

What a privilege that somehow, some way, keys about marriage were “caught” more than taught in our chats with Minh and Blessing and that lives are being impacted through this delightful couple. 

Growth plan for today:

  1. Lord, how could I strengthen my mate and my marriage today?

  2. Lord, how could I strengthen another marriage today by my prayers or action?

Why Build a Community Center?

I want to let you know how the Glory Community Center building is going, but first, let’s look at why build it at all?

Let’s take a step back, like way back to 1812. Adoniurm Judson and his wife Ann, the first American missionaries, set off for Rangoon, Burma. They endured unimaginable difficulties and Ann died of smallpox at the age of 37, leaving an infant daughter. Although they targeted the Burmese people, most of the converts were from tribal groups (such as Karen people), not the pure Burmese.

Fast forward to 2020. After 208 years of missionary effort, the Burmese are still an unreached people group with only 0.08% following Jesus out of  31 million. Pastor David, himself, is Chin, one of the 135 tribal groups, but has a mandate from God to reach the Burmese.

So What’s the Big Deal?

The big deal is that Pastor David and House of Glory Church are seeing true Burmese turn from an empty idolatry to salvation in a living Jesus! God has given David strategies to build bridges to the Burmese, through the Glory Library, the Glory Football Club, feeding outreaches, providing clean water wells and serving the Burmese in other ways.

I don’t know of any other ministry in Myanmar that is having this kind of breakthrough. It hasn’t happened for over two centuries, but it’s happening now. Firefall friends, we are called to this moment in time when God is breaking through the darkness of sin and idolatry by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Your prayer and your financial investments are a part of this historical moment of divine favor.

Back to the Building

Things are going well with the construction. The exterior work is finished. Most of the interior work on the first floor has been completed for the Library and Administrative Offices for the Glory Football Club. The same is true of the second floor, which will be used as a community meeting room and church meeting site for House of Glory on Sundays.

You can see from the photos that they did a beautiful job with the lighting. The whole community will be proud of this space. The interior of the 3rd floor (living space for David’s family and persecuted believers) is in progress. David enlisted the football team and church members - leading by example- to haul bricks, cement and sand from the ground to the 3rd floor.

$4,200 is needed to paint the entire structure and $1,000 has been pledged. Would you prayerfully consider a gift to finish the painting?

COVID Resurgence

Right now, there is a flare-up of COVID-19 in Myanmar and the nation is back on lockdown. Hardly anyone is working, except those working on the Glory Community Center. God has granted David so much favor with government officials that they made an exception for those working on the Center. What a miracle! Thank you for your continued prayer and support! 

“The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” -Ps. 118:23

A Tribute to Terri Clark, Friend of Firefall International

Our Tribute

Today, we pause to honor the life of a beloved partner and travel team member, Terri Clark. Terri transitioned to her heavenly home on August 19, 2020. She logged untold thousands of miles as a “sent one” on Firefall International missions to Myanmar, NE India, China, Vietnam and other nations. Terri taught in women’s conferences with transparency, humor and a deep desire to see women grow in their faith. 

Terri loved the people and the food of the nations

Terri loved the people and the food of the nations

Terri was a delightful ministry team member, up for any challenge. She never complained about cramped vans or busses, “strange” food, lumpy mattresses or thin, tiny towels. Each morning and evening, she checked in with her adoring husband, Harvey. They would share details of their respective days with great affection. Theirs was a real love story. Harvey encouraged her to follow God’s dream for her life and she cheered him on whole-heartedly.

Terri’s passion to see God’s love displayed in Jesus Christ change lives fueled her travel with Firefall International and our friendship. We will miss you, dear and faithful woman of God. Thank you for your example of faith, obedience and joy in the journey! 

Nancy, Terri and a friend working in Asia

Nancy, Terri and a friend working in Asia


Minh’s Tribute

I met Terri over fifteen years ago for the first time when she joined with the Firefall team to speak at a women’s conference in Vietnam. Serving as her translator, I got to know her life, her stories and experiences and how God led her into intimacy with Himself. She touched the lives of many women leaders who are still touching other lives. Personally, I was invited to her home in Arkansas, where I rode on the back of her motorcycle to visit her house of prayer up on a hill. She welcomed me in with her joyful and bright face. 

Minh and David at a leader conference

Minh and David at a leader conference

I will miss you, Terri, as a close friend of my spiritual Mom, Nancy! I heard about you through her and I got to know you as we worked together. May you rest in peace with our most loving Father in Heaven. See you there!

-Minh Van Thai

Pastor David’s Tribute

I first met this woman of God at the Myanmar conference conducted by Firefall International where she delivered a very anointed message from the Word of God. Many Myanmar lady church leaders were blessed by her ministry. We still hear testimonies today.

I was very challenged and encouraged by Terri’s burden and love for lost souls around the world, especially Africa and Asia. She shared this with me while I visited with her in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Her heart made me want to serve more and to sacrifice more for the lost in my land, Myanmar!

I was both saddened and thrilled when I heard of Terri’s entry into her Heavenly Home. I am really proud of her life here on earth as she followed her Savior faithfully until the end and served Him. Her witness is still instructing and preaching to many people. Thanks for it! We love you and will see you one day in the presence of our loving Father. 

-David Siang and House of Glory Family, Myanmar

Junia’s Tribute


I would like to honor and salute you, Aunty Terri Clark. You are a woman of faith, love, generosity and prayer. You have the lovely, humble heart of a servant of God.

I still remember you coming to my country and preaching about sweet lemon (lemonade) as an example. This encouraged me in my life and ministry. 

Even though you are gone physically from this earth, you are still alive and preaching in my life. You will be in my heart always. I love you, Aunty.

I pray for your family, church and ministry. May the peace of our Lord be with you to strengthen and comfort all of you.

-Junia, Yangon, Myanmar

Elvis’ Tribute

Nancy and Elvis in Yangon

Nancy and Elvis in Yangon

Aunty Terri was filled with compassion for the harvest of souls. She always thought about how to communicate the love of Christ wherever she was. She lived what she preached. Reaching people with the gospel was her priority. She lived each day “on mission.”

I am so sad that I will no longer meet Aunty Terri in Myanmar or elsewhere on this earth. But I remain confident that the seed of faith Aunty Terri sowed in Myanmar, Uganda and many other places will blossom and bear much fruit. I will meet you again, Aunty, in heaven. 

-Elvis Khamh, Yangon, Myanmar

Jim’s Memories of Terri


Jim speaking

I first remember meeting Terri as her son’s youth pastor. Despite her taxing job schedule, she willingly volunteered to serve as a worker on youth outings, joyfully enduring the primitive accommodations of low-budget youth retreats.

Terri’s first venture into ministry in Uganda was in early September, 2001. I also happened to be in Uganda with a team training pastors. We were there when the attacks came on 9/11. I was called to the phone. Somehow, Terri had found out how to contact me and I could hear the devastation she felt being so far away from home trying to process this tragedy. It was a hard way to launch a ministry, but she did it.

I admired Terri’s compassion for others, her pioneering spirit and spiritual dedication to follow Jesus wherever He led her.


Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” -Hebrews 12: 1 & 2

Read more of Nancy’s thoughts on remembering Terri in her Cuppa post.

Remembering Terri & Taking Tea Together

“The road to a friend’s house is never long.” -Danish proverb

Today I pause to sip my cuppa (peach-infused tea from Israel) and reflect on tea times spent with my dear friend Terri Clark, who took up residence in heaven a few days ago. I honor her with a cup on the table beside me. I shall miss her greatly. We shared our faith plus love of family, good food, travel and all things tea. 

Terri and I celebrating our 65th birthdays last November

Terri and I celebrating our 65th birthdays last November

Though the drive to each other’s home was over 20 minutes, that time was gladly spent in expectation of a delicious cuppa and an hour of conversation where you were welcomed, accepted and heard. Sometimes we would text one another to decide what tea we would be enjoying. As we settled in, the chatter swirled around events of the day, news about our children or our mission work, hers in Africa, mine in SE Asia. These topics usually filled the time needed to sip the first cup. By the time the second cup was poured, the conversation would open on a deeper level. We came to inhabit a sacred space during those times where our longings, dreams, struggles and reflections could emerge, feeling safe from editing, judging or “fixing.” The gift of being heard and valued is a treasure. 

We had liberty to laugh, cry or simply have an off day. Both of us being “external processors,” we would often leave the hour with wisdom for the very thing we shared about. Such is the magic and miracle of a pot of tea with a friend, at least that was my experience with Terri, for 20-odd years.

It was a big transition for us when I moved to North Carolina last November. Terri spearheaded a surprise going-away tea party for me, hosted with three other good friends and many invited girlfriends. It was elegant and heartwarming. After I moved, we would set up phone dates, cuppa in hand, often launching the conversation with what we had chosen to brew, describing the weather and where we were seated for our tea time. Little did we know Terri would soon be making the greatest journey of all. 

We partnered in mission travel to many nations. I will share about some of those journeys in the days to come. For today, it is enough to sip my tea and thank God for the gift of Terri and the friendship we shared. I miss you, my beloved tea buddy. I will see you later. 

Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.” -Proverbs 27:9

Salt and Light and Chicken Rice Soup

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16

Last week, thanks to your generosity, we fed over 700 hungry people in the area near the construction site of the Glory Community Center in Myanmar

Over 20 members of the congregation cooked food in the newly constructed kitchen, while the youth/young adult group managed the food distribution. 

Pastor David writes:

“First, our team gathered for prayer at our construction site. Then we started to share the food as soon as the rain stopped. We distributed meals in three places near our building, in the poorest areas. Our neighbors were grateful and joyful as they received their meal. Most of them struggle to have daily food and rarely ever have a protein like chicken in these times of COVID shutdown. 

Our fellowship is growing. We invited them to visit the center when it opens. Some of them invited us to visit their homes. I see with my spiritual eyes that some will be in my flock in the days to come.

Thank you to Firefall friends who make these provisions possible through your prayers and giving.”

“A generous man will be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” -Proverbs 22:9

If you’re interested in helping House of Glory finish the construction project with painting and other needs, use the button below.

A Miracle in Myanmar!

Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.” -Psalm 66:5

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary, Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!” -Psalm 150:1-2

In the midst of personal sorrows and repentance over our nation, we want to lift our heads and share the great wonders the Lord did for our brothers and sisters at House of Glory in Myanmar. Many of you joined their local fellowship in prayer over the need to finish the concrete work for the third floor of Glory Community Center in the face of devastating storms.


Here is the account of Pastor David: 

“I just would like to share what a miracle happened through prayer at our construction site of Glory Community Center!

The rains started to fall heavily when we prepared for the slab between the second and third floor. Though 80 workers came to work from Mandalay, half of them returned home because of rains. But half of them could start to work at 9 a.m. on May 28, as the rains stopped after prayer. They could only finish half of the roof. We had to finish the rest on the next day. So, we requested the workers to continue on the next day by providing their dinner and lodging that night. Though they had another appointment on the next day, they accepted our request as the Lord worked in their hearts through our constant prayer. (There is no team or group of workers in our hometown for making concrete slabs, as it is the hardest and most difficult part of the construction.)

To make things worse, the weather forecast told us that there would be even heavier rains on May 29! Our engineer told us that we could not not finish the slab if the rains fell heavily. But I told him to wait on the situation, as we were praying and we sent a prayer request to our Firefall friends. We experienced both faith and despair as the rains fell very heavily that night (it was the record amount of rain for our hometown for one day in May). But we did not cease our prayer!

On May 29, the rains continued until 8 a.m. All the workers prepared to go back home. We requested to wait for one more hour. The Lord gave the brightest sunshine by stopping the heavy rains at 8:20 a.m. Hallelujah! The Lord answered our prayer. We all shouted “Yay” and could continue on the rest of that day. Though our enemy attacked us with two breakdowns of the machine making concrete and the truck slipping which carried stones, we could finish the slab well at 5:45 p.m. 


The engineer told us the slab is safe if there is no rain within two hours. The sky grew dark again at 6 p.m. So we dedicated it in prayer unto the mighty hand of our Lord (and talked about renting plastic to cover the slab if the rains fell). We learned that there is no place to rent plastic because of the large size. The rains did not resume until 8:40 p.m., thanks be to God! When I phoned our engineer about the slab and concrete, he assured me that it was totally safe and that rain after the two hours will make the concrete stronger! Hallelujah!


Thank you, Firefall friends, for your part in prayer and partnership as we celebrate this great miracle.” 

-Pastor David

We pray this testimony encourages you in faith, perseverance and joining with others in prayer. The God who held back the rain in Myanmar is the same God who hears and answers prayer wherever we may live. Let us give Him our cares, trust Him fully and praise Him always.

