In our busy world full of schedules, notifications and quick bites of information, it’s too easy to forget things. I don’t know about you, but I find myself continuously setting digital notifications and adding to my to-do lists to help me remember daily tasks.
And I find myself wanting to incorporate prayer into my daily to-dos, but sometimes I forget that, too. That’s why we had the idea of doing a Week of Prayer for Myanmar a few weeks ago, with daily reminders on our social media channels (Instagram and Facebook). We were able to interview some Firefall supporters with connections to Myanmar to learn more about what they’re praying for Myanmar and why.
We hope you also find connection, prayer inspiration and hope in these words offered up for a nation in crisis.
Maybe you want to work through some prayers while you’re exercising or doing your morning devotional. Maybe you want to make your own week of prayer for Myanmar and work through each card below. Be flexible as the Lord leads you.
Prayers for Myanmar
This supporter’s connection to Myanmar:
“My history with Myanmar began through prayer updates through Nancy and Jim about the country, then meeting Pastor David from Myanmar at the Firefall 25th anniversary celebration in Arkansas. Since then, I had the opportunity to travel with Firefall to Myanmar, witness the House of Glory ministry and personally grow from it, as well as coach with Pastor David and his wife.”
Prayer for Myanmar:
“I am praying for protection and strength for the people of Myanmar as a whole, as well as Pastor David and his flock. Prayers are also offered that God will use this crisis and chaos to open hearts and doors for Him as Pastor David and their church reach out to many.”
Prayer for Freedom & Safety
Connection to Myanmar:
“I've been to Myanmar six times. I met Nancy through a friend and we started an adventure in this beautiful place. I helped with the Firefall soccer tournaments. Spending the time with the guys, sharing our testimonies and training the kids. I also brought with me several guys from Spain to serve, and each trip changed each of our lives. Myanmar is my second home, and Pastor David and his church are my second family.”
Prayer for Myanmar:
“We are praying for freedom in this country. God has a plan in Myanmar, and it will happen. We pray for safety for our brothers and sisters.”
Prayer for New Christians
Connection to Myanmar:
“I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Myanmar in 2011 with Nancy and several others from Arkansas who had a heart for the country and its people. Especially the children.”
Prayer for Myanmar:
“I know how hard Firefall, Pastor David and others have worked to bring Jesus to as many people as possible in Myanmar. Those who have been saved live in danger, especially since the military has reestablished control. I pray that these new Christians will be comforted and that they will be brave and courageous as they face their daily lives. I pray especially for Pastor David if he’s in the line of danger. I pray that there will be enough food for nourishment and medical supplies for those in need. I pray that all will be fed and encouraged by the Word and that even more will be saved by its promises.”
Prayer for Churches
Connection to Myanmar:
“I remember being up one night in 2006 praying for the nations when God highlighted Myanmar to me on a map. I began to pray for this loved country nearly every night during that season. The Lord led me to places of intercession for souls, praying that He would open up a wide door for His Word to go forth. In the last two years, I was able to meet Pastor David and the fire for Myanmar was rekindled.”
Prayer for Myanmar:
“Now I am praying the same, that those believers who are arrested would be able to reach the hardest hearts in prison. I am asking for hearts to receive Jesus as the one true God and that their hearts would be set ablaze for him.
I pray that the churches would be like a greenhouse flourishing and bearing fruit in the most unlikely conditions. Joy unspeakable and full of glory! Peace unshakable.”
Ps. 16:8-11
Prayer for Rescue
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Prayer for Myanmar:
“Lord, rescue the people of Myanmar from the hand of tyranny - that they may go forth in freedom both physically and spiritually.”
Thank you
Thank you for your prayers and for standing with these believers and this nation during this difficult time.