Looking Back at 2024 & Ahead into 2025

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38

Together, we as Firefall family have prayed for workers sent into harvest. Together, we’ve also prayed for the Lord to work through our prayers, our finances and our seeds of faith. Our faithful God has answered!

When we review the numbers (only one indicator of what is happening), we’re filled with humble gratitude. We can only say, “Lord, yours is the glory for what you have done this year. Thank you for using the Firefall family in your harvest.”

In the midst of Myanmar’s cruel civil war, the Lord is bringing spiritual revival. Those with dire physical needs are being fed and clothed. The helpless sheep are following the Shepherd into eternal life. Hallelujah! 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the gospel, making disciples of all nations.

plus, we bought a bus!

With your help, we were able to buy a bus that can transport 30 football players and help the Glory Football Team become an official Football Federation of Myanmar team. Federation membership will also protect young men from being conscripted into the army, since playing football is considered a community service.

Building bridges into 2025

Many years ago, I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me, “Will you be a bridge, Nancy?”

I quickly answered “yes!”, expecting some grand design and adventure in my future.

Little did I realize that being a bridge is basically making strong connections (often unnoticed) which further the greater purposes of God. It requires trusting the Lord in all aspects (and sometimes feeling walked on). This has been our 31-year journey and joy with Firefall International. Thank you for your vital part in prayer and partnership. Together, we have seen God do amazing things. 

Next month, we will travel to Thailand to meet with Pastor David and his wife Diim te. Due to the current turmoil and instability throughout Myanmar, it is not advised for us to travel there. This plan will enable us to set aside several days for fellowship, prayer and strategic planning (bridge building) for Firefall International’s work in 2025 and 2026.

Our travel dates are March 14-27. Please pray for us. Expenses for the trip will be $6,000, if you would like to help send us.

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Today’s cuppa is my usual, a strong English Breakfast tea with a tad of sugar and a splash of milk.

Starting with the Advent season, I pull out one of my Christmas mugs. These weeks before Christmas fill me with greater joy as each year passes. In today’s photo I include a candle, symbolizing the Light that has come into the world through Jesus Christ. In addition you will notice the wax-encased amaryllis, an Advent gift to myself. I look forward to watching it unfold in beauty through the weeks ahead. 

Advent is all about making time and space for wonder, pondering, watching, waiting and the mystery of the Incarnation to impact our hearts year by year. 

May I encourage you to consecrate time (even 10 minutes) and space each day of this season to slow down and turn your eyes upon Father, Son and Holy Spirit in trust and expectation. You might want to read a treasured Christmas passage again and again over several days, noticing a phrase or picture or concept that leads you on a deeper and richer journey into God’s heart for the world and for you. 

Cheers and much love,


🎁 The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Christmas outreaches in Myanmar will reach thousands with the gospel within less than a month’s time. Buddhists there have many holidays and festivals throughout the year, so they freely allow Christians to have their “festival” in December.

Hear from Jim & Nancy about how you can help

Revival Fires are Burning

Every week now, people who have heard the good news of salvation in earlier Christmas outreaches are asking to learn more. They’re not just curious; they're hungry for a new life. Lives are being saved and baptized. Whole new churches are being planted. Revival fires are burning in Myanmar as the Holy Spirit transforms lives. Revival like this has never happened before in this nation.

Season of Harvest

This is a season of harvest in Myanmar. Please pray with us that this Christmas, seeds of the gospel will find good ground, the word of God will bring light into darkened hearts, and many will be rescued from death.

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Col. 1:13-14

🎄 Would you be a Christmas outreach sponsor?

Please consider becoming a sponsor of this year’s Christmas outreaches.

  • At least 2,500 people will hear the gospel through song, drama, and testimony in 13 different locations throughout the nation. Most of them have never heard about Jesus.

With your help, we reached our goal!

Each $5 sponsorship provides:

  • A warm delicious meal (including protein, a luxury in Myanmar)

  • A small gift for each person

  • A Burmese evangelistic Bible

Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you consider investing in the Christmas harvest in Myanmar. For those in this war-torn nation these outreaches are the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s a way they can experience the demonstrated love of Jesus Christ through His body, the church. Thank you for praying and giving.

“The opportunity of a lifetime needs to be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.”

Leonard Ravenhill, Revivalist 

With our love,

Jim & Nancy

Integrating the New with the Old

Then He said to them, “Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” Matthew 13:52

Today’s cuppa is a tasty Ethiopian coffee I rediscovered while on our recent visit to Hot Springs, Arkansas, our home for nearly 40 years before moving to Raleigh, NC in late 2019.

Red Light was my spot for great coffee and tea as well as a pleasant chat with the owners as I placed my order. The vibe is low-key and welcoming. The coffee is as delicious as ever. It is truly a joy to return and settle into the comfort of a familiar and cozy space, akin to snuggling your feet into beloved and well-worn house shoes at the end of a long day. 

Spending nine days in a place that used to be home brought feelings of nostalgia, gratitude and appreciation for the setting and the people who were part of my story for so long. We got to see many friends from years past and hear news about others. Reconnecting with friends face-to-face stirred memories of joys, sorrows and community which have formed me to be the person I am today. 

There was something different about leaving Hot Springs this year. After nearly five years in North Carolina, there was more sweet than bitter in the exit this time. I attribute this to the general passing of time plus a hopeful expectation about the doors the Lord is continuing to open for Jim and me to make new friendships in the church family where we live. 

Realistically speaking, I will not have decades to give to these new relationships, but I can walk into my future with a decision to be present, curious and willing to listen to the journeys of others. I am encouraged to move into my new community group and Bible study group with a confidence that each day is a gift and each encounter is an opportunity to see with the perspective of heaven. 

As I ponder the treasures of the past, I look forward to new treasures that await on this leg of the journey. My Guide is dependable and trustworthy. In fact, He is faithful and true.  

“O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;

You maintain my lot. 

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;

Yes, I have a good inheritance.” Ps. 16:5

“You will show me the path of life;

In Your presence is fullness of joy;

At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Ps. 16:11

Our Return to Vietnam

Approaching the runway to land in Saigon seemed a little different after a six-year hiatus. The familiar bunkers were missing from the airport, an ugly scar of the wars of the past. Immigration was easier, friendlier. Still, some things were the same. Our old friend Minh was waiting and smiling just like always, right outside the terminal in the “meeting friends” section. The weather was as hot as we remembered and the bed was just as welcoming after our 26 hours of travel.

To say we are grateful for your prayers sounds much too trite. In truth, we were surrounded and lifted by your intercession each moment of the 10-day mission. The promise of God’s presence with us was realized. The team experienced a divine unity and flow that only comes from heaven touching earth. Thank you for going with us in prayer. Your prayers and God’s gracious answers made this trip impactful and joyful. We were kept by the power of God and given unity of purpose by the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God!

Children’s workers training

We had the joy of meeting for two full days with humble and dedicated young disciples preparing for a 90-day mission to take Vacation Bible School training to the uttermost parts of Vietnam and some areas yet unreached by the good news of Jesus. They will sleep on the ground and take their own food when needed. We found them to be shy but very receptive to us as we shared what the Lord had put on our hearts for them. 

The Lord’s presence broke down the barriers between us just as He had promised. Together, we experienced a calling of “deep unto deep,” an invitation to renewed intimacy with Jesus in worship and “letting our hair down” with Him, like Mary did with Jesus at Bethany. As God moved among us, leaders reported being strengthened and renewed for their monumental task ahead. Please keep them in prayer as they seek to impact thousands of children this summer. 

Football, football, football!

We had an enjoyable Sunday late afternoon and evening gathering of eight teams of football players and many onlookers at a large and lovely facility just outside the city.

For Jim and me, it was delightful watching Pastor David take in the event. He was like a kid in a candy store, eyeing the potential of touching lives with the love of Jesus through sport outreach and discipleship. Matches were lively and a grand time was had by everyone, thanks to your prayers for us. The Lord even quickened David’s wife Diim te to stop a thief who was attempting to grab her husband’s small bag containing documents and money as we sat together chatting during one of the matches. She was as bold as a lioness in protecting her own! The thief was caught and reported to the owner of the facility, who marched him off the promises and reported him to the authorities. Thank you, prayer partners! The event went on without a hitch. 

The next day, Pastor David and Philip trained pastors, youth leaders and sport leaders in essentials for effective sport ministry and blessing of the local communities. Relationships were established which will continue to be fostered by internet connection and hopefully team competitions between the two nations in the future, God willing. 

Marriage renewal 

We traveled to a lovely beach community for three days of fun, fellowship and focus on our marriages. These couples pastor among minority people groups in the nation and are bi-vocational. These leaders are loved by Minh and Blessing, who instruct them about healthy marriages and family life as often as they can. 

Pastor David and Diim te brought powerful teaching and testimonies about the foundation for effective marriage, family and ministry. The Lord was in our midst, breaking down barriers and healing wounds from past hurts. One older pastor exclaimed “We can have a new marriage?” with laughter and joyful epiphany as the Holy Spirit answered his query. Our three days together closed with a powerful time of prayer as couples held hands or embraced and prayed for the restoration of their own marriages and families. 

Once again, we saw the Holy Spirit accomplish something we could never do. Thank you for praying, thank you for sending us out. Please continue to pray for these couples, that they will continue to walk in restoration God gave them, through continued communion with God and their mate.

As we rest up from the jetlag, our hearts are overflowing with thanks to the Lord and to you who send and sustain us by your giving and prayer support. 

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:1-8

With love and gratitude,

Jim, Nancy and Vietnam Team

The People We Meet

For us, one of the best parts of ministry travel is the people we meet. Often we get to hear stories of people who aren’t known by the world but who are great in the kingdom. They are people of faith, not fame.

Jim on a past trip to Vietnam

On this ministry trip to Vietnam (April 15-29), I’m certain that our own faith will be inspired by men and women of God giving their all, serving the Lord and changing lives.

We look forward to ministry together with Minh and Blessing, plus a team from Myanmar.

🔥 Children’s Workers Training

The first training event will be with children’s workers who have a vision to bring Jesus to the next generation. They give their summers to travel from remote village to remote village. They carry food with them or go without. They sleep where they can. Sometimes that’s on the ground. Week after week they deny themselves and suffer hardship so that children hidden in the mountains can know the love of Jesus. Over the summer, 10,000 children will be loved, play games, make crafts and be introduced to their Savior.

What a privilege it is for us to bring words of encouragement from God’s Word. We ask the Lord to use us to stir faith in these sent ones and join them in prayer for the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for sending us, multiplying this blessing to thousands of children, by His grace.

Thanks from Minh & Blessing

🔥 Marriage and Family Conference

This conference is for younger couples in ministry (40 and under) who are serving the Lord in ministry leadership. Most are bi-vocational, farming or working jobs so they can serve their church. How do couples balance the pressures of marriage and family with the call of God to leadership? How do they deal with financial pressures, communication challenges, and raising well-rounded children? What about the added pressure of the constant threat of persecution from the authorities?

How can we encourage them in this process? By God’s grace, He has guided us through misunderstandings, misplaced priorities, and wounding experiences. We can share the wisdom we’ve gained from our own mistakes - and we’ve made a lot of them! Through our honesty, we can give these couples permission to open their hearts to each other, trusting the Lord in their weaknesses and finding His wisdom to grow together as couples.

As you send us to Vietnam, you are strengthening the homes of leaders who will be equipped as fruitful pastors. That blessing will be multiplied to their congregations and beyond.

🔥 Vision Casting for Sports Ministry

Our associates in Myanmar under Pastor David’s leadership have seen the gospel penetrate the Burmese culture, which has been closed to the gospel for over 200 years. As friends of Firefall, you know that much of this breakthrough has happened through soccer (or football to them). 

David, his wife, Diim Te, and Philip (youth minister and soccer coach) will be joining us for all three training events. Their success in evangelism and discipleship through soccer will be shared with leaders of youth ministries in Saigon. We believe this will light a fire of vision for what the Lord can do to reach young men in Vietnam like He has done in Myanmar.

Your prayer and support will help build a bridge to the hearts of a generation of young men in Vietnam.

We Need Your Prayer

Please join us in prayer for these 3 dynamic events:

  • Pray that our hearts will be prepared and the messages we bring will be from hearts on fire with the Holy Spirit.

  • We pray for a mighty impartation of His power for fruitful ministry.

  • Pray for the hearts of those who attend to receive what they need - and more! May the blessings be abundant!

1/3 to our goal

Finally, please pray with us that our $15,000 goal will be met. We’re 30% there, but we need your help to fill the flame.

We love you and thank God for your partnership in the gospel as you send us.

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Phil. 1:3-6

Fan Into Flame: Vietnam Trip, April 15-29

Nancy and I are returning to Vietnam in April with a wonderful ministry team.

Our minds go back more than 20 years to our first visit. After a time of vibrant worship, beautiful young believers jammed themselves together, sitting on the floor, knee to back, hungry to receive from the Word of God and be empowered for ministry. To enter the building (used for Christian training and monitored by the government) we had to get past the police guard who was at his station from 8 am to 5 pm., taking names. For our safety, we were smuggled in the dark at 5 am and back out at 11 pm. Never did so many hours pass so quickly as we experienced God’s healing and encouraging presence with us. 

Over the last 25 years, our love and respect has grown for Minh and his wife, Blessing, and other heroes of the faith who live under constant threat of persecution. As we celebrate the 30th year of Firefall International, we are blessed to be called spiritual Mom and Dad, equipping and encouraging another generation of bold men and women of faith. We are inspired by the depth of their love for Jesus and sacrifices to serve Him wholeheartedly. 

We will be joined by Pastor David and his wife, Diimte, plus youth leader Philip from Myanmar, under the leadership of Minh and Blessing. We thank God for the relationship we have all built over the decades. We respect them as co-laborers and treasure them as friends. We have already begun Zoom meetings to prepare our hearts as a team. 

This year’s ministry is three-folD

🔥 Children’s worker training

We will spend two days encouraging 30 children’s workers who spend their summer taking the gospel to remote villages, reaching 10,000 children by the end of their 3-month service. Blessing leads this effort in their nation. These disciples give their summers like modern-day circuit riders, sleeping on the ground, carrying their own food with them, along with the precious seed of the gospel to children in unreached areas. 

 🔥 Vision casting for football outreach 

Minh’s dedication to Jesus and his servant heart have opened doors for his mentoring influence in a national youth ministry network. The Holy Spirit gave us the concept of bringing the amazing success story of evangelism through sport from House of Glory in Myanmar. Pastor David and Philip will recount the multi-year journey as Minh invites interested pastors and youth leaders to join us for a day apart, ending with a football match among interested youth.  

🔥 Marriage and family life conference

We caught Minh and Blessing’s burden for ministry couples many years ago when we shared on this topic in Vietnam with them. Through biblical teaching and sharing our own successes and failures, we saw walls come down between couples, repentance and renewed commitment to make time for their own marriage and family life. This is a revolutionary topic in Vietnam and continues to be a passion of Minh and Blessing’s ministry together. We are honored to join them along with Pastor David and Diimte. We will host 20 pastoral couples (ages 25-40) near the beach for 3 days of rest, worship and reflection regarding their own households. 

Our request of you

The dates of this outreach are April 15-29. Would you prayerfully consider sending us by both prayer and provision? We need your prayer support now as we plan the aspects of ministry and as we actually make this trip. For us this is an open door to see the Holy Spirit “fan into flame” hearts and lives in three powerful aspects. 

The cost of travel and all outreaches will be $15,000. To our natural mind, this is overwhelming, but as we each give in response to the Spirit of God, we fully believe the goal will be met. Thank you for praying and for giving as He leads. Every prayer and every dollar given will fuel God’s purposes in the lives of beautiful, faithful leaders in Vietnam.

With our love and thanks for you,

Jim, Nancy and Vietnam Team

30 Years of Firefall

Recently, Jim and I reflected on the journey of Firefall International over 30 years. It is both humbling and gratifying to remember how the Lord called us and led us to establish Firefall International in response to our burning desire to make disciples of all nations. God’s response to our “yes” was to launch us in a big way that first year with Jim going to the Czech Republic and Ukraine and me heading to South Africa for several weeks of ministry. Precious friends cared for our three young daughters, giving them treasured memories as well.

On those missions, we gained invaluable practical experience and mentoring from pioneers and spiritual leaders. As we continued to walk by faith through open doors the Holy Spirit supplied, we were shaped by circumstances both wonderful and challenging to be the people we are today, imparting who we are to others.

The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.
— I Thessalonians 5:24

The hard seasons of failure and drought helped us lay down offenses and pride and cling more tightly to Jesus. The joyful times of miraculous guidance, provision, protection and fruitfulness fueled our passion for Jesus and our tiny part in His great mission even more. 

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds.
— Psalm 36:5

With each year of service, we are more amazed that He called us to “go” 30 years ago and more grateful that He has sustained us by our wonderful Holy Spirit. He has been our guide, encourager, comforter and source of power to make Jesus known. 

We give thanks for each board member, each individual and partnering church who invested in prayer and giving and going with us on occasion. How beautiful is the Body of Christ! All glory to the Son of God who gave his life to purchase mankind for God through His precious blood. 

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
— Ephesians 5:20-21

Thoughts on 2023 & Plans for 2024

Last year was an amazement indeed, as God graciously gave an increase in Burmese Bibles distributed, souls saved, cell groups and house churches established, humanitarian aid offered and lives exposed to the gospel for the first time. You are part of each success! 

In addition, three months ago, Jim traveled to Virginia Beach, VA to receive an award for the work of Firefall International from Regent University (where we were a part of the first graduate class in 1978). See a video of Jim’s acceptance remarks and read the full article about the work of Firefall that was included in the Regent University Alumni Newsletter.

Blessing, Minh and their son, Ben

As for 2024, we are planning to go to Vietnam in April to spend time with Firefall associates Minh and Blessing.

We will team with them to strengthen the family lives of young couples in ministry. In addition, we hope to encourage key leaders in the national VBS network that Blessing oversees. 

These teams travel to remote areas of Vietnam all summer, touching thousands of children with the love of Jesus. These leaders challenge us in their zeal, dedication and purity of purpose.

Firefall International will sponsor 2-3 day seminars in two locations. We ask for your prayers and financial support as the Lord leads you.

God Gave Us an Open Door

“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” I Cor. 16:9

Eleven and a half years ago, Jim and I were guided by the Spirit of God to visit a certain city in Myanmar and host a conference for youth leaders in that nation. This guidance came by way of a strong “nudge” in my spirit to go and strengthen the body of Christ there. We obeyed, following this odd prompting by faith. What did we find there? An open door. 

We discovered a small and struggling group of believers, desperate for more of God. There was nothing glitzy or glowing with success about them to the natural eye. Their leader was a young man captured by a heavenly vision at age 17 to reach the Burmese with the good news of Jesus Christ. That young man was Pastor David. 

In the past eleven and a half years, through the faithfulness of God, the united vision and work of House of Glory plus your prayers and giving, we have seen this open door swing wide to include Bible distribution, clean water wells and humanitarian aid freely shared with thousands of suffering people. In addition to community bridge building through soccer and the lending library, a network of 15 evangelist/church planters has been established in many regions, preaching and discipling hungry and receptive hearts in the nation. 

This God-given open door and your partnership built a 3-story community outreach center housing football offices, a library to enrich the community, a 350-seat worship/meeting center and a home for Pastor David and his family with room to welcome others. The House of Glory center was built during the COVID years and was completed just weeks before the military coup began. Only God could do this!

We continue to be amazed and humbled to have a small role in God’s great story of redemption in this land where so few have ever heard of the love of Jesus. This officially classified unreached people group is being reached with His love, day by day, week by week, friend to friend through the people of God by the power of God. 

Please pray for us as we join our Myanmar family November 2-13 to host outreaches through football and a time of rest and refreshment for the church planters. And we want to extend a big thank you from all of us for helping us reach our goal to fund these events

We will send out a prayer itinerary soon. Prayer is foundational and the most important work we can do. How beautiful is the body of Christ!

With much love,


“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it.” Rev. 3:8 

Q&A with Pastor David: Upcoming November Events

In preparation for two November events, the Firefall Challenge Cup #8 and church planter meeting, we asked Pastor David to answer a few questions about the significance of these events.

Pastor David serves snacks to the Eagles youth team

1. What are your thoughts and prayers as you look forward to Firefall Challenge Cup #8?

Through Firefall Challenge Cup #8, we will get more opportunities to communicate to young people in our community. We can build up more relationships with young people as this is key to sharing the gospel with them. Then, we will get the opportunity to touch those young players at the football field, as a neutral place, not in a church. Because of the political and economic turmoil in Myanmar, there hasn’t been a tournament like this in a few years. Though many young players would like to play more, they can’t. This tournament will provide these young people with pleasure, fun, hope and warmth in the midst of hardship and challenging times.

Hear our friend Philip describe the importance of the upcoming football competition

2. How has community enrichment through football, library and food distribution impacted people in your area? 

By blessing the community through football, library and food distribution, we can establish more friendships with people in our community and share the good news when our friendship grows. As a result, the Lord has given us a great harvest of winning souls. Then, the people around our community don’t see us as a religious center, but they feel our center is a home for them. This has reduced persecution and oppression that we have encountered before.

3. What is your goal in gathering the church planters for three days? 

As the church planters are tired from working in their fields for the whole year, we would like them to be able to rest physically, mentally and spiritually by taking a break here for a few days. During the gathering, we will share our testimonies and prayer points together and be encouraged by the Word and pray for each other. It will be their recharging time, so that they might march on forward in their respective fileds. We will worship together by honoring them for what they are doing to spread the good news aroung our nation.

4. How can Firefall friends pray effectively for you and House of Glory?

Please remember us in prayer as we are serving during the most difficult times in the history of our country. On the other hand, the people in Myanmar are hungry and thirsty spiritually because of the difficult situation. We are in a great harvest time, too. Please pray for House of Glory and all networks so that we might reap the harvest wisely by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for the political and economic situation in our nation as many people are still starving, dying and fleeing since the coup. We covet your prayer support so that we might shine brightly through the gospel in the darkest time.

Join our team

If you would like to help support these events, we’re looking for 144 sponsorships of $65 each for the football challenge, as well as 12 church planter sponsorships for $200 each.