When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38
Together, we as Firefall family have prayed for workers sent into harvest. Together, we’ve also prayed for the Lord to work through our prayers, our finances and our seeds of faith. Our faithful God has answered!
When we review the numbers (only one indicator of what is happening), we’re filled with humble gratitude. We can only say, “Lord, yours is the glory for what you have done this year. Thank you for using the Firefall family in your harvest.”
In the midst of Myanmar’s cruel civil war, the Lord is bringing spiritual revival. Those with dire physical needs are being fed and clothed. The helpless sheep are following the Shepherd into eternal life. Hallelujah!
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the gospel, making disciples of all nations.
plus, we bought a bus!
With your help, we were able to buy a bus that can transport 30 football players and help the Glory Football Team become an official Football Federation of Myanmar team. Federation membership will also protect young men from being conscripted into the army, since playing football is considered a community service.
Building bridges into 2025
Many years ago, I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me, “Will you be a bridge, Nancy?”
I quickly answered “yes!”, expecting some grand design and adventure in my future.
Little did I realize that being a bridge is basically making strong connections (often unnoticed) which further the greater purposes of God. It requires trusting the Lord in all aspects (and sometimes feeling walked on). This has been our 31-year journey and joy with Firefall International. Thank you for your vital part in prayer and partnership. Together, we have seen God do amazing things.
Next month, we will travel to Thailand to meet with Pastor David and his wife Diim te. Due to the current turmoil and instability throughout Myanmar, it is not advised for us to travel there. This plan will enable us to set aside several days for fellowship, prayer and strategic planning (bridge building) for Firefall International’s work in 2025 and 2026.
Our travel dates are March 14-27. Please pray for us. Expenses for the trip will be $6,000, if you would like to help send us.