Recently, Jim and I reflected on the journey of Firefall International over 30 years. It is both humbling and gratifying to remember how the Lord called us and led us to establish Firefall International in response to our burning desire to make disciples of all nations. God’s response to our “yes” was to launch us in a big way that first year with Jim going to the Czech Republic and Ukraine and me heading to South Africa for several weeks of ministry. Precious friends cared for our three young daughters, giving them treasured memories as well.

On those missions, we gained invaluable practical experience and mentoring from pioneers and spiritual leaders. As we continued to walk by faith through open doors the Holy Spirit supplied, we were shaped by circumstances both wonderful and challenging to be the people we are today, imparting who we are to others.
“The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”
The hard seasons of failure and drought helped us lay down offenses and pride and cling more tightly to Jesus. The joyful times of miraculous guidance, provision, protection and fruitfulness fueled our passion for Jesus and our tiny part in His great mission even more.
“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds.”
With each year of service, we are more amazed that He called us to “go” 30 years ago and more grateful that He has sustained us by our wonderful Holy Spirit. He has been our guide, encourager, comforter and source of power to make Jesus known.
We give thanks for each board member, each individual and partnering church who invested in prayer and giving and going with us on occasion. How beautiful is the Body of Christ! All glory to the Son of God who gave his life to purchase mankind for God through His precious blood.
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Thoughts on 2023 & Plans for 2024
Last year was an amazement indeed, as God graciously gave an increase in Burmese Bibles distributed, souls saved, cell groups and house churches established, humanitarian aid offered and lives exposed to the gospel for the first time. You are part of each success!
In addition, three months ago, Jim traveled to Virginia Beach, VA to receive an award for the work of Firefall International from Regent University (where we were a part of the first graduate class in 1978). See a video of Jim’s acceptance remarks and read the full article about the work of Firefall that was included in the Regent University Alumni Newsletter.
Blessing, Minh and their son, Ben
As for 2024, we are planning to go to Vietnam in April to spend time with Firefall associates Minh and Blessing.
We will team with them to strengthen the family lives of young couples in ministry. In addition, we hope to encourage key leaders in the national VBS network that Blessing oversees.
These teams travel to remote areas of Vietnam all summer, touching thousands of children with the love of Jesus. These leaders challenge us in their zeal, dedication and purity of purpose.
Firefall International will sponsor 2-3 day seminars in two locations. We ask for your prayers and financial support as the Lord leads you.