Jim and I were fortunate to have a Zoom call with Pastor David and Diimte (our associates in Myanmar) early last week. We rejoice that David continues to have internet connection, a rarity in his nation. It lifts our hearts to see their faces and realize they are finding strength and encouragement in God’s Word and His Presence.
David shared, “We realize the outside nations (USA, UK, other Asian nations) are not coming to help us. We must stand together as citizens of Myanmar for democracy in our own land.”
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” -Psalm 121:1-2
Finding hope
Last Sunday, while traveling across town to visit cell church gatherings, Pastor David was stopped four times by military forces and questioned. When they looked in his bag and saw his Bible, he was allowed to proceed. The Lord is speaking to David from Lamentations and Micah.
As a church, they are finding “hope for troubled times” in the Word of God. I am grateful the Bible does not “sugar coat” heartache, fear and loss. Jesus is our Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief. Jesus is our Lord who is “God with us,” no matter our circumstances.
House of Glory members gather in small groups for communion, prayer and encouragement
David, his wife, three sons and daughter are spending lots of time together during these difficult days of the military coup and COVID lockdown there. This is advancing their family bond, to quote him. It’s wonderful to see them finding ways to flourish in uncertain times.
How you can help
Many of you have asked what you can do to help. Two things come to mind:
Pray! Your prayers are joining millions of others. They will be answered. Use our Myanmar Prayer Guide to help.
Give, so we can continue to supply basic food items (rice, peanut oil, beans and potatoes) to families who are running low on food and funds. We thank God we can still send funds through NE India and two courageous sisters in Christ. David and the House of Glory team will distribute through their network in the nation. Use the button below to give to this need and write “Myanmar support” in the notes section.
We join Pastor David in thanking you for praying and for giving so House of Glory can demonstrate the love of Jesus in concrete ways. Thank you for caring and for praying.
We love you,
Nancy and Jim