John 3:16 is perhaps the most often quoted verse in our land. We see it on billboards, at sporting events and have memorized it as children. These treasured words remind us that God is love and that it is His nature to give. He gives each of us life, with our unique personalities, looks and gifts. He gives us families, friendships and purpose to demonstrate the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He gave the life of His one and only Son so we could all be restored to an unbroken relationship with our Father.
As we ponder the vastness of God’s love and His gift of salvation, what is a proper response? As partakers in His divine nature through salvation, it’s only fitting that we learn the ways of our Father, the ways of love and generosity.
Both Pastor David in Myanmar and Minh in Vietnam demonstrate “living to give” as a lifestyle. In times of great joy or great pressure in their nations, we are encouraged to see them ever on the lookout to meet the needs of those around them, to be the hands and feet of Jesus,
Times are tough in both Myanmar and Vietnam at present. COVID is raging in both nations, disrupting daily life and work. Neither nation has the promise of adequate vaccines or healthcare. In Myanmar there is the additional stress of the military takeover since February 1. Despite these dire circumstances, these two men are looking for ways to build a bridge of love to demonstrate the love of God. The great news is that hearts are being opened to God’s love and people are receiving the gift of salvation!
As you watch these two short greetings from Pastor David and Minh, you can see the toll and suffering of the current situations on their faces. Please continue to pray for them, their families and churches.
Pastor David shares:
Food distribution in Vietnam
Minh and his team at House of Hope prepare food each day and drive it 40 minutes to drop off at the Heart Hospital, where children await heart surgery. Only one parent is allowed to accompany their child during COVID. The surgery is free, but there is no provision for food. Most of the people there are from the tribal areas and are very poor. They are beyond grateful for this act of compassion and love. You are part of this outreach through your giving to the work of Firefall.

I don’t know about you, but as I ponder these modern-day heroes of our faith, I am humbled and challenged once more to be on the lookout for ways to be a giver...of encouragement, kindness and forgiveness, as well as my material treasure.
Thank you, Firefall partners, for caring, for praying and for “living to give.” This life is a marathon, not a sprint. May we be faithful til the end, by God’s grace. May there be a great harvest of souls as Jesus continues to be lifted up in ways great and small.
“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.” -Matthew 25:35
“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” -Matthew 25:40
“Whoever is kind to the poor is lending to the Lord — the benefit of this gift will return to him in abundance.” -Proverbs 19:17