Quenching Thirst in Myanmar

“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3

Isaiah 12 is a messianic hymn of praise anticipating the fullness of salvation through the Anointed One of David’s house. This verse was quickened to me by the Holy Spirit as Pastor David shared good news and photos yesterday. We are excited to share with you, our friends, who pray and invest in the work of God through Firefall International. 

Thanks to your prayers and giving, the construction of the Glory Community Center is proceeding with great speed and favor. This is amazing in a time of COVID-19 work stoppage and also a worse than usual drought before the monsoon season, which starts around mid-June. 

David’s focus has been completing the building project, but his heart of compassion was gripped with the suffering of his neighbors as the drought persists in their area. The closure of shops and businesses is bad enough, but a compounding factor is the lack of clean water access for most of the area. Large bodies of water are bone dry, something rare there.

Realizing that Firefall had installed a deep and strong well at the building site, David joined with youth leader Pho Chan and conscripted his 3-wheel taxi to deliver clean water to the neighborhood. This began over a week ago and will continue. We hope the photos of the joy of receiving the water touches your hearts like it does ours. David related that during this exhausting work, they are strangely refreshed and invigorated as they see the happiness of the people. 

For Jim and me, it is symbolic and prophetic of what is to come with the completion of the Glory Community Center. Not just drinking water but living water through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in their midst.

We thank God for financial giving over the years which has enabled us to dig four wells in Myanmar. A fifth one will be dug very soon as an outreach tool in another part of the nation where a church planter awaits to administer the water freely as a bridge of God’s love. 

Please pray with us in agreement over these specific requests:

  1. Continued favor with neighbors and officials (majority Buddhist) as we get to know them better through water distribution.

  2. Approval from authorities to allow the 80 workers needed to pour the final slab for the 3rd floor this week! The rains will come soon. 

  3. Pray for the lockdown in the nation to lift by June 1 so work and provision can resume for families. 

Opportunities to Give

  1. Any gift is appreciated to help us finish the building project. We are $2,000 away from our goal! 

  2. Gifts to supply food for hungry children and adults in Myanmar 

Love In Action During COVID-19

It’s one thing to say “Jesus loves you” to someone, and quite another thing to demonstrate that love by action.

Thanks to your prayers and giving, love in the form of eggs, noodles, rice, fruit and cooking oil has been distributed to hundreds of hungry people under the direction of Minh in Vietnam and Pastor David in Myanmar. 

One of the construction workers goes home with food today

One of the construction workers goes home with food today

These photos tell the story of how your dollars became food donations distributed by believers to families with no hope of food for the next two weeks. Most had subsisted on one or two bowls of rice soup per day, due to COVID-19 lockdowns and inability to work. 

In Vietnam, Minh and youth teams from the church (where he serves as elder) purchased and packaged food to give to 60 families. Priority was given to families with elderly and with young children. 

In Myanmar, Pastor David and the House of Glory team visited the local Buddhist monastery serving as a quarantine center for Covid-19. They supplied masks and food and met with the chief monk who welcomed them gladly. They were the first Christians to help with the needs of the center. The monastery expressed their gratitude on their Facebook page. How amazing that the Lord is using your gift to ease tension between Christians and majority Buddhists!

A warm reception at the Buddhist Monastery/COVID-19 Center

A warm reception at the Buddhist Monastery/COVID-19 Center

Three young men from House of Glory decided to dedicate their time by serving for three weeks at the quarantine center. Please pray for their safety and the influence of their lives as they serve. 

These three youth group members will serve for 3 weeks at the COVID-19 center

These three youth group members will serve for 3 weeks at the COVID-19 center

We also shared masks and a cooked meal for fifty social workers and those in charge of controlling the pandemic. In addition, Pastor David has shared a supply of food with some of the poorest of the construction workers at the House of Glory building site. David is already seeing them (by faith) as his eventual “sheep” and himself as their shepherd. 

Pastor David shares how the Glory Community Center (foreground) will bless the neighborhood

Pastor David shares how the Glory Community Center (foreground) will bless the neighborhood

Thank you for responding to the financial need to finish the Glory Community Center. At present we are $14,900 away from having the funds we need to complete the center.  Hear from David about the progress in the below video.

“Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me.’” -Matthew 24:40, The Message

As you look at these touching photos, we pray you will enter into the joy of your Father, knowing lives are being touched by His love and our small acts of giving and sacrifice. 

With grateful hearts,

Jim and Nancy and Firefall Board Members

Happy International Women's Day!

It’s International Women’s Day!

This is a day that we keep on our calendar every year at Firefall International because we love celebrating women, their accomplishments and their strength. Many of our outreaches touch women across the world, and we believe empowerment is a wonderful thing!

After all, when I think of famous women in the Bible, like Mary, Esther, Rahab, Deborah, they were women who were bold, confident and fearless in their identities in Christ. And they accomplished some amazing things for their community and the kingdom.

It is rewarding to see how Firefall is growing similar strengths in women we partner with.

Like Eliz, the librarian at our Reading Room/community library.

Hear from Eliz

Liz is a mother of two and manager of the Glory Reading Room, where she helps teach children and assists the 1,000+ community members find books. (Learn more about Eliz in this Q&A.)

I love how she talks about being able to manage her home and children, as well as the library, as a working mom. As women, we are no strangers to multi-tasking. How inspiring that Eliz is balancing family with sowing into the education and eternal destiny of the children and adults around her.

Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day and all of the women across the world who are multitaskers, mothers, sisters, wives, friends, aunts, teachers, preachers, leaders and passionate followers of Jesus.

Maybe today would be a good time to tell the women in your life how much you support and appreciate them?! Or maybe you would even like to seek out a nonprofit (ours or others) who help empower women and volunteer or give to their efforts.

The Outreach Center Rises!

So many of you have prayed and given generously to see the vision of an outreach center in Myanmar become a reality. When complete, this center will be a hub of the community providing offices for the winning soccer team, a community library and meeting place.

Renderings of the new center

Community leaders who once persecuted Christians now support the building of this center, even donating funds themselves because they recognize and appreciate its value to the people in the area.

The concrete for the second floor is now complete. There were 70 workers pouring and working the concrete at the critical time. What a beehive of construction activity!

See a short video of the building process

The project has not been without challenges. Because of the coronavirus and curtailing of shipments of building materials from China, costs have increased.

Still, Pastor David and House of Glory are remaining steadfast in the vision of serving their community and bringing glory to God.

Thanks for your continued prayer. Like Nehimiah, who would not come down from the wall, together we continue to trust the Lord until the job is complete and the vision is a reality!

May the Lord also bless and provide in the challenges you face today, and may He use each one for His glory. (Romans 8:18, 28)


The Israel Tour Through a Mother's Eyes

My cuppa on this rainy February morning is a fruit and herbal infusion which I purchased while in Israel last month. The flavors are passion fruit and mango, with no caffeine. It is delicious, warming and will not give me jitters. The brand is Wissotzky and can be purchased online.


Reflecting on the Firefall International Best of Israel Tour is joyful for me because in every aspect of the trip I saw the blessing of God. Yes, there were months of hard work sharing the vision, inviting people and answering myriad questions. There were sad days when unforeseen events led to cancellations. Through all of this, we watched the Lord gather the group, supply for them and bless us abundantly on the actual tour. 

We had amazing answers to prayer on our first day regarding lost luggage and a phone. While none of my children were free to go with us, I was deeply touched by the two mother/daughter combos on the tour. Seeing them make the most of 11 days of constant companionship, touring, learning and worshipping thrilled my heart. The sacredness of family was before me constantly and beautifully. Because our group had good numbers, we were able to invite our spiritual “sons,” Pastor David of Myanmar and Minh of Vietnam, to go with us. This was an opportunity of a lifetime for them and a great enhancement for their teaching and preaching ministries, not to mention their inner lives and insights into the Bible (read through their reflections below). Seeing them experience the land where Jesus walked and taught is a memory I will treasure forever. They will multiply the blessings they received through their sharing with hundreds if not thousands in the future.

On a personal note as a pilgrim myself, I was impacted by standing in the areas where Jesus likely taught the crowds from a hillside and fed the multitudes. Our guide helped us to “think like Jews” and understand that when Jesus did these two things, He was pointing to His divinity and His Father as His acts reminded them of the law being given from Mount Sinai and also the manna miraculously supplied which sustained them in the wilderness. So much to contemplate, so many more reasons to bow in worship and wonder before my Lord. Thank you again to those who joined us and those who remembered us in prayer. 

A few days after our return, I asked Minh and Pastor David to share their insights from the trip. May their reports encourage your heart as they did mine: 

From Minh 

A visit to the Holy Land would be a life dream for every believer. Personally, I was moved by standing at the places where Jesus, the Son of most high God, lived and served. More than that, how God protected his chosen people in the midst of their enemies in the desert. 

It is even more important for us teachers of the Word. Recently, I was recently appointed to teach a Bible course called “The Life of Jesus.” We have hundreds of students from North to the South among churches in Vietnam. In the teaching, His life was divided into five different stages:

  1. Childhood

  2. Preparation for ministry

  3. In the ministry

  4. Suffering period

  5. After resurrection

Each stage related to places where Jesus was. It is so helpful for me to know geographically where He has been and to see what it looks like. All the pictures and videos I took during the visit will help my students so much. In addition, the knowledge from the guide will help me put historical information together logically.

Thank you so much for supporting my trip! May God bless you.  

From David

I just would like to share the blessings that I received from our wonderful trip to the Holy Land Tour.

This trip is the most splendid tour in my life. As for me, it was beyond my imagination and a dream come true. Thanks a lot to Firefall for supporting me to join in this trip as I myself could never implement such an awesome trip.

I was really touched when I walked on the land where our Lord was walking 2,000 years ago! That made my faith in Him stronger and stronger as I learned the Bible is not just a myth or story but actual and authentic.

Worshipping and praising the resurrected Jesus in the Garden Tomb left me speechless as tears of joy came from our eyes. It was the greatest hope that I have in my life seeing the empty tomb of our Lord! This makes it even more effective when I share the gospel to many Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims in my nation. Now, I can share about His resurrection in power by telling them that I myself was there.

I was challenged and empowered also when I stood on the Mt. of Olives where Jesus gave the Great Commission to His disciples. I felt as Jesus is talking to me directly there to implement His final Word among my own people. That encouraged me to implement that Great Commission in my nation.

Seeing and stepping on things and places that we have heard and preached before was a great blessing and an awesome feeling for me. When I shared the word of God on the first Sunday after we just arrived back from Israel, it changed the essence of my message as I myself explained the congregation much more deeply and meaningfully.

I read the synoptic gospels during our trip, and it was the most meaningful and the sweetest time in my life, even though I have read them over 100 times. The Holy Spirit gave me many more insights from the stories of Jesus to impact my flock for these coming days.

Best of Israel Tour Report

Wow! What a Trip!

I kept telling people, “Go to Israel. The Bible will come alive - you’ll never read it the same again.”

To be honest, the Bible has always been alive to me, but after our Best of Israel Tour in January, even scholarship about the Bible (history, geography, culture, etc.) is alive! My morning Bible readings have become a series of panoramic videos seeing Jesus with people on the seashore, on the hills or in the synagogue.

The Lord prepared a banquet table of experiences for us as a group. Having these moments together enriched the spiritual impact on each of the nearly 40 of us. Nancy and I reconnected with long-time friends and made new ones. Each of us grew in our understanding and faith. I think I can speak for everyone on the tour that we came home with a renewed commitment to see Jesus’ kingdom come, each doing our part obeying the great commission to make disciples of all nations.

From Kathi, Firefall International Board Member

“When the opportunity to travel to Israel with Jim and Nancy Pennington came about, I quickly jumped at the chance. There was a longing in my heart to see the places Jesus preached and walk in the places Jesus walked. I was immediately struck by the stark, yet beautiful landscape of Israel and the relatively small area in which our Lord resided.

January is typically a rainy month in Israel and the rain is seen as a blessing. I am thinking of the imagery of the living water and what Jesus brings to our lives, John 7:37-38.

There were so many high points for me, but attending worship at Christ Church in Jerusalem with my brothers and sisters in Christ, taking Communion, hearing songs of praise in both English and Hebrew moved my heart. And then again when we took communion, prayed, and sang songs of praise at the Garden Tomb, I could feel the Spirit moving among us. We could hear other groups singing and praying around us in different tongues and different styles. I had a friend say that maybe that’s the way heaven will sound. I hope so. It will take time for me to process all that I learned and saw, but the experience has strengthened my faith and pushed me to stretch. If the opportunity presents itself in your lifetime, I urge you to travel to the Holy Land. You’ll never be the same.”

And from Other Pilgrims:

“Thank you Nancy and Jim so much for planning this wonderful trip of a lifetime. I really don’t think it would have been the same if we had not gone with this group or had Mickey as our guide. We will have memories forever. As I was headed home from the grocery store this morning, I heard “The River” by Jordan Felize. I think I will always remember someone playing that song as we got back on the bus after visiting the Jordan River on that rainy day. What wonderful memories I will hold in my heart.”

“I will never forget you and this wonderful trip! As I read the Bible, I see it in vivid color whereas before I read it in flat black and white. Thank you more than words can say for this trip that has enriched my soul and knowledge and love for our Lord.”


What Now

There are times for each of us when the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying. For those on the Tour of Israel there were many of these moments.

For all of us we should ask the question, “Where do we go from here?” May the Lord lead us to pray and listen, to obey Him, to live in His purpose for our lives, and bring Him glory!

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

My 9 Favorite Travel Quotes

Today, I am enjoying a cup of Moroccan mint tea in an Egyptian cafe in Cary, NC. The tea is black, medium strength and steeped with fresh mint leaves. It is presented in a small glass cup with a side of sugar.

What an exotic and fortifying drink on a chilly December day!


Born on a farm in rural Kentucky sixty-five years ago, who would have dreamed I would travel to twenty-some nations so far? I vividly remember when my fourth-grade teacher, Mrs. Sprowles, pulled down the giant world map attached to the chalkboard. Something ignited inside me. As I surveyed the vastness before me, my nine-year-old heart whispered a desire, “I want to see it ALL!”

The work I am privileged to do through Firefall International requires lots of travel, lots of jetlag. For me it is an honor to go, to taste the food of other cultures, to inquire, listen and learn what life is like on someone else’s turf. I have experienced kindness, generosity, laughter and openness in every place I have traveled. Some rudeness, too, of course, but that is minuscule compared to the delights of travel and the treasures you carry home inside your heart.

I stumbled across these travel quotes a few months ago. Each one touched me in the part of my soul that is ever awaiting the next adventure.

As you read them, I hope you will be stirred to consider stepping outside your sphere of comfort to contemplate a new journey, or perhaps simply pause with a cuppa to remember the joys of a previous trip you’ve made. 

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. -St. Augustine

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. -Anonymous

People don’t take trips, trips take people. -John Steinbeck

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendell Holmes

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. -Henry Miller

Oh the places you’ll go. -Dr. Seuss

Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times. -Asian proverb

Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. -Ibn Battuta

I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. -Mary Anne Radmacher



Christmas Outreaches & Ways You Can Help

In Myanmar, planting seeds of the gospel and the harvest of souls to eternal life can be a long process requiring extensive teaching of God’s word and watering of the Holy Spirit. Many of these seeds are planted through Christmas outreaches. Christians are allowed to celebrate their “annual festival” and invite whole villages to attend.

A few weeks ago, we received this testimony from Pastor David about the harvest of seeds planted a year ago in a Christmas outreach.

We followed up with eight Buddhists by teaching them for three whole days. They had been touched with the gospel since last Christmas outreaches. Our cell leaders continue to share with them personally as the Holy Spirit opens their heart day after day.

Eight of them (two men and six women) accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord on the last day of our teaching. Then five of them decided to take water baptism as they decided to follow only Jesus all the rest of their lives. Some of them are from very strong Buddhist families.

The group at the baptism

The group at the baptism

Though they asked many questions of creation and salvation, we could explain through the guidance of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. Now, we continue to follow up every night by teaching more Bible and about the Holy Spirit.

Thanks a lot for your support in prayer for this harvest. We could invest more of our time to share the gospel and teach the Word of God as you support us for our daily needs. We will reap together here and in heaven too. We could not implement this harvest without your partnership!

We are preparing and praying for the upcoming Christmas outreaches in December, too.

Let’s surround these outreaches with prayer

Let’s surround these outreaches with prayer

Planned Christmas Outreaches

  1. Women’s group outreach to Single Mother’s Home (30-35 mothers and children) — Eliz, the Reading Room Director has been building relationships with these women by lending books for the children. The House of Glory (HoG) women’s ministry will provide a meal, presents, a fun celebration and presentation of the gospel. Cost $500

  2. Reading Room Students, Families & Friends — Food, presents, decorations and presentation of the gospel to the needy families in the community around the Reading Room. Cost $300

  3. Visitation to 50 homes by the HoG Women’s Ministry — This outreach would target individual homes of widows, the very poor and sick providing a special meal and presents while opening hearts to the gospel. Cost $250

  4. Village Outreach — This is a village where there is a Firefall sponsored well, there have been soccer outreaches, a ministry to children and a church plant. There will be a festive celebration with decorations, songs, skits, a meal, presents and gospel presentation. Cost $200

  5. Nepali Village Outreach — One of HoG’s first church plants in a village of workers from Nepal where there is a Firefall sponsored clean water well. House of Glory has been collecting offerings in their Wednesday night cell meetings and will pay for the cost of this outreach.

  6. Vietnam House of Hope Children’s Outreach — We also will sponsor a Christmas outreach in Vietnam through Minh’s House of Hope ministry to children and their families. Cost $500

Give online or send in a gift and note the specific need if you would like to sponsor one (or more) of these outreaches where seeds of the eternal gospel are planted in the hearts of people who have never heard the good news of salvation in Jesus.

You can also see the impact of last year’s outreach.

We love you and thank you for our partnership in the harvest!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end." Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV

Jim & Nancy

My Whirlwind Week in Myanmar

The current cuppa of choice is a strong and malty Golden Yunnan tea with a touch of sugar and a splash of half and half.

As I rest on my comfy couch on this quiet Sunday evening, I can hardly believe the miles I have traveled since a week ago Friday. That ‘s when I made a quick trip to carry some of the provision you gave to fund the construction of the creative outreach center in Pastor David’s city. I did not share openly about this trip in an effort to be wise. Thanks be to God for His provision and protection for His purposes. 

I joined Pastor David and his wife in a city high in the mountains of Shan State, Myanmar. The Glory team was there playing in a national tournament. They lost in the penalty kick portion but represented themselves well. Delivering your generous gifts to David and his wife in my hotel room that night was a holy moment of prayer and partnership. Many of you had the joy of meeting David this summer as he shared his vision for the outreach center. With provision gathered, a construction document can now be issued and construction will begin in October! 

A highlight for me was the invitation to share with church members on Wednesday evening. Approximately 60 people packed the “upper room” of a home, sitting on the floor to worship, fellowship and hear the Word of God. Most touching for me was the glimpse of David’s mother lost in worship, just weeks after the passing of her beloved husband. He died a few hours before David returned from his summer visit to America. David’s mother taught David (and many others) to pray by her righteous example. She is the mother of House of Glory.

At the home gathering, I was struck by the ability of even the youngest children to sit and sing and listen to the teaching. As I shared (with David translating), my goal was to exhort the church to remember their identity as a people of prayer and God’s Presence, especially during the upcoming months of construction of their physical location. They are the church, not the long-awaited building. May this truth continue to be their legacy. Lastly, we were offered rice soup with chicken, quite delicious. The youth group served and cleaned up afterward.

My last two days were spent visiting the Reading Room and catching up with the lovely family who leads this ministry. I saw firsthand the dozens of sturdy, colorful and engaging children’s books recently purchased through your donations. Children in Myanmar are just like children here — they want to enjoy colorful and engaging books! Now we can offer them many more. Thank you. 

Supper on Thursday night was very memorable. I had the joy of hosting the leaders chosen by the ladies of the congregation. We enjoyed sharing a family-style meal and a free flow of ideas about ways to help women and children in the area. This group of ladies pray together each week and their love for one another as well as their community is evident. How beautiful is the body of Christ!

Walking with Jesus is certainly never dull. A few weeks ago I had no idea I would be making such a trip this fall. I am grateful for your generosity and for the calling by Jesus to partner with His vision in extending the family of God. I am also thankful to be back home, safe and sound. 

Thanks for having a cuppa with me,


Reading Room Hosts Discussion for Youth

While Pastor David was visiting in the USA this summer, the good work of the Glory Reading Room was ongoing.


In the photo above, you get a glimpse of a literary discussion group led by an outstanding young man and follower of Jesus Christ. He trained to be a lawyer and currently heads his own private academy. Through fellowship with the football team, he grew in his hunger to learn of God’s love displayed to the world through Jesus. A convert from the Muslim faith, he is standing strong and serving with a zeal that touches my heart each time I am around him. 

The strategy for these scheduled interactions is simple. A topic is announced and those who are interested will gather for learning and discussion. Pastor David or Eliz, our director, often lead the groups. The Burmese people are readers and love to discuss their thoughts over tea and conversation...one of the things I admire about their culture. 

Learn more about Director Eliz and her family

Eliz shared that she would like to enhance the children’s book collection at the Reading Room. She would like to purchase 75 books at a cost of $300

If you would care to give to this cause or ongoing book needs, we are happy to receive your donation (of any amount). There are currently 1,200 members of the Reading Room.

Thank you, Firefall Friends, for reaching and lifting this community through literature and love.