“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3
Isaiah 12 is a messianic hymn of praise anticipating the fullness of salvation through the Anointed One of David’s house. This verse was quickened to me by the Holy Spirit as Pastor David shared good news and photos yesterday. We are excited to share with you, our friends, who pray and invest in the work of God through Firefall International.
Thanks to your prayers and giving, the construction of the Glory Community Center is proceeding with great speed and favor. This is amazing in a time of COVID-19 work stoppage and also a worse than usual drought before the monsoon season, which starts around mid-June.
David’s focus has been completing the building project, but his heart of compassion was gripped with the suffering of his neighbors as the drought persists in their area. The closure of shops and businesses is bad enough, but a compounding factor is the lack of clean water access for most of the area. Large bodies of water are bone dry, something rare there.
Realizing that Firefall had installed a deep and strong well at the building site, David joined with youth leader Pho Chan and conscripted his 3-wheel taxi to deliver clean water to the neighborhood. This began over a week ago and will continue. We hope the photos of the joy of receiving the water touches your hearts like it does ours. David related that during this exhausting work, they are strangely refreshed and invigorated as they see the happiness of the people.

For Jim and me, it is symbolic and prophetic of what is to come with the completion of the Glory Community Center. Not just drinking water but living water through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in their midst.
We thank God for financial giving over the years which has enabled us to dig four wells in Myanmar. A fifth one will be dug very soon as an outreach tool in another part of the nation where a church planter awaits to administer the water freely as a bridge of God’s love.
Please pray with us in agreement over these specific requests:
Continued favor with neighbors and officials (majority Buddhist) as we get to know them better through water distribution.
Approval from authorities to allow the 80 workers needed to pour the final slab for the 3rd floor this week! The rains will come soon.
Pray for the lockdown in the nation to lift by June 1 so work and provision can resume for families.
Opportunities to Give
Any gift is appreciated to help us finish the building project. We are $2,000 away from our goal!
Gifts to supply food for hungry children and adults in Myanmar