In preparation for two November events, the Firefall Challenge Cup #8 and church planter meeting, we asked Pastor David to answer a few questions about the significance of these events.
Pastor David serves snacks to the Eagles youth team
1. What are your thoughts and prayers as you look forward to Firefall Challenge Cup #8?
Through Firefall Challenge Cup #8, we will get more opportunities to communicate to young people in our community. We can build up more relationships with young people as this is key to sharing the gospel with them. Then, we will get the opportunity to touch those young players at the football field, as a neutral place, not in a church. Because of the political and economic turmoil in Myanmar, there hasn’t been a tournament like this in a few years. Though many young players would like to play more, they can’t. This tournament will provide these young people with pleasure, fun, hope and warmth in the midst of hardship and challenging times.
Hear our friend Philip describe the importance of the upcoming football competition
2. How has community enrichment through football, library and food distribution impacted people in your area?
By blessing the community through football, library and food distribution, we can establish more friendships with people in our community and share the good news when our friendship grows. As a result, the Lord has given us a great harvest of winning souls. Then, the people around our community don’t see us as a religious center, but they feel our center is a home for them. This has reduced persecution and oppression that we have encountered before.
3. What is your goal in gathering the church planters for three days?
As the church planters are tired from working in their fields for the whole year, we would like them to be able to rest physically, mentally and spiritually by taking a break here for a few days. During the gathering, we will share our testimonies and prayer points together and be encouraged by the Word and pray for each other. It will be their recharging time, so that they might march on forward in their respective fileds. We will worship together by honoring them for what they are doing to spread the good news aroung our nation.
4. How can Firefall friends pray effectively for you and House of Glory?
Please remember us in prayer as we are serving during the most difficult times in the history of our country. On the other hand, the people in Myanmar are hungry and thirsty spiritually because of the difficult situation. We are in a great harvest time, too. Please pray for House of Glory and all networks so that we might reap the harvest wisely by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for the political and economic situation in our nation as many people are still starving, dying and fleeing since the coup. We covet your prayer support so that we might shine brightly through the gospel in the darkest time.
Join our team
If you would like to help support these events, we’re looking for 144 sponsorships of $65 each for the football challenge, as well as 12 church planter sponsorships for $200 each.