
Firefall Challenge Cup #8 & More in November

Firefall Football Challenge Cup #8 Resumes!

Jim and I have the joy of announcing Firefall Football Challenge #8 will take place in early November in Myanmar. This is extra special for Jim, as it is the very first football (soccer) tournament he has been able to attend. I am thrilled for him to experience the excitement and enthusiasm firsthand. 

The number of teams (12) will be the same as usual, but their makeup will be a bit different. Due to restrictions on travel from many areas, the teams will come from a closer proximity and participants will be invited by their believing friends. The teams will be 50% Christian and 50% yet to receive the good news. 

Our goal is to offer days of competitive play and friendship-building. Over the past four years, young people have faced many COVID outbreaks plus the closing of their schools and colleges due to the turmoil in the nation. Many battle depression and discouragement. 

Playing and cheering on your team provides a wonderful break from the bleakness of everyday life plus an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with hearts the Holy Spirit is preparing through prayer and the gift of God’s Word. 


Help us meet our goal!

144 will participate in this tournament. Each sponsorship of $65 covers all expenses for a player. Please prayerfully consider funding 1,2,5 or even 10 football players. Any amount helps and 100% of your gift goes to support this special event. 

Thanks for being a part of our team to bring hope to the nations. 


Times of Refreshing for Weary Church Planters 

Every time I visit Myanmar I’m humbled by the heroic faith of our ministry associates. How can they face so many challenges and remain faithful, preaching the gospel boldly? I think of the Apostle Paul’s testimony about the hardships he endured and the burdens he carried.

I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn? 2 Cor. 11:27-29

Together, we can offer these 12 faithful church planters a time of needed encouragement. They are scattered all over the nation and look to Pastor David for friendship, accountability and mentoring in growing God’s family. David taught a few of them in Bible School years ago. In November, they will risk gathering together for what we believe will be a time of three days of refreshing in the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19). Let’s join together in prayer asking the Lord to pour out His Spirit to renew their faith and strengthen them to “endure hardship, doing the work of an evangelist.” (2 Tim. 4:5)

Your financial gift of $200 will cover one church planter’s travel, food and lodging for the days of worship, time in the Word, prayer and mutual encouragement.

These are the laborers in the harvest field. What a privilege it is to share in their time of rest and renewal. If you care to share a verse of scripture, we are happy to see that it is translated and given to them. 


It's All About the Kids

In Psalm 71, verse 18, David prays, “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, til I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.”

The message of God’s great love through Jesus Christ must be shared and nurtured among each new generation for our faith to be passed on in the earth. Jim and I feel this personally as we embrace our four grandchildren with our arms and with our prayers. It’s not enough that Papa and Mimi follow Jesus. These little ones must have their own encounters with Jesus as they learn of His love for them from their parents and grandparents and others.  

Firefall Challenge Cup #5

As we continue our work in Myanmar and Vietnam this spring, the youth are our focus. Pastor Dennis Owens of Pine Bluff will partner with Firefall as we anticipate a harvest of souls during the Firefall Challenge Cup #5 in late March. Eight teams from all over the nation will gather for four days of matches, fellowship, laughter, singing and hearing about the love of God demonstrated by Jesus Christ for them.

See photos from past Challenge Cups:

Evangelistic Bibles will be offered, meals will be served and regional Christian coaches will be strengthened in their faith by their mentor, Pastor David. Many of these coaches shine the light of God’s love through sport in villages where there are only a handful of believers, if any. Pastor David senses many are ready this year to make the bold and costly commitment to fully surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

After the football challenge, we fly to Vietnam to train children’s workers in a conference. They will come from many provinces in the nation. Minh and Blessing have extended a gracious and humbling invitation. After the equipping conference, these young leaders will spend May through September traveling in teams throughout the land, taking the good news to children who have never known about God’s love for them. What a privilege to share with these passionate and gifted young leaders! They are asking God for thousands of children to receive Christ during this time.

We are excited about the upcoming opportunities. Tickets have been purchased, itineraries have been planned.

Firefall partner, would you join us in prayer and sponsorship?

The expenses of this trip will be met with 140 sponsorships of $65. Please prayerfully consider funding 1,2,5 or even 10 football players or attendees of the children’s conference. Every gift helps and 100% goes to support this special event.


You helped us reach our goal!

Doors are open for the gospel to transform lives. We are blessed with trusted partners in these nations. Your prayers and giving are needed ingredients for this vision to become reality, for the youth of Myanmar and Vietnam to take the torch of faith to their villages and on to the next generation who will believe. Thank you for praying and for obeying.   

Family Life Conferences in October

For nearly 40 years, Jim and I have been involved in ministry in one form or another. We've known its joys and sorrows. There are mountaintop experiences of seeing God impact lives in amazing ways, along with valleys of misunderstanding and fear about the future.

When a couple chooses a life in ministry, their children automatically come along for the ride, like it or not. The stresses of ministry life on spouses and children don't need an explanation to those of us "in the club." Still, it is a privilege to serve God and His people, one we would never change.

As we prayerfully considered offering leadership conferences in both Vietnam and Myanmar this fall, Jim and I were inspired to develop three-day conferences focusing on Family Life and Balance in Ministry. We will call them "God's Family/My Family."

Minh and Pastor David will gather 35 leaders from each nation. We will spend time looking at God's heart for family, plus healthy boundaries and life stewardship within the demands of ministry. Local leaders will share, both men and women. Group size is small to foster authenticity and accountability.

In both Vietnam and Myanmar, the church is young. These are new concepts. Families get fractured and marriages become frayed. We see it here in the west and also in Asia. We pray our lives and influence will make a difference.

Minh and Pastor David share what these conferences will mean in these short videos:


The dates for the Vietnam Conference are October 16-18 and for the Myanmar Conference, October 24-27.

How you can help

  • Prayer: We humbly ask you to pray for these conferences.

  • Support: We also ask you to consider investing in one of these 70 leaders with a sponsorship of $70 to cover their expenses for travel, food, lodging and study materials. Some can sponsor one, others can send 5 or even 10 to the conference. 100% of your gift will be used for this purpose. (Just use the button below to give via PayPal.)

*UPDATE: We have all 70 sponsorships filled!

Our goal: 70 sponsorships of $70. Goal met!

Minh and David are inviting key leaders who will take these truths and multiply them in their spheres of influence throughout both nations.

Thank you for praying and for giving so these families in ministry may be strengthened to go the distance and serve the Lord with joy, security and unity. We'll keep you updated on our progress with this campaign in the coming weeks.

With our love and gratitude,
Nancy & Jim