A Cuppa with Nancy

Sand in My Shoes

Today’s cuppa is a fine Earl Grey tea from Sri Lanka, crafted by Dilmah. This is the first tea of its type that does not need milk to tame it for my tastebuds. Just a sliver of lemon and I am good to go! The fruity and full taste is simultaneously bracing and calming. It is a tea I will surely pack for teatimes, both morning and afternoon, during the many hotel stays to come.  

As my departure date for Myanmar ticks down to one week away, my expectation and excitement is rising. Crazy as it sounds, I love travel! Many ask how I can stomach the 16-hour, non-stop flights, the cramped seating, the oxymoronic “airline cuisine” and the jet lag which gift wraps both the departure and return across multiple time zones. 

To my mind, these things represent a small, low door one stoops to pass through into a wide arena of tastes, sights and experiences.  

My work with Firefall International gives me the privilege of strengthening national believers who are introducing the person of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard of Him.  I receive much more than I give. My heart is enlarged and challenged by interacting with heroes of the Christian faith.

My grandmother loved to travel, too. She used to say, “I’ve got sand in my shoes,” as she and Pa rambled across southwestern USA for month-long tours in their camper after retiring from their dry goods store in our small Kentucky town. I get it. Jim can attest that I am happiest when there is an open suitcase in a corner of our bedroom. I fill it with culturally appropriate clothing, a few creature comforts and items like copies of “The Jesus Film” on DVD in the Burmese language. Sometimes it’s vitamins for children, whatever is needed at the time.

Please do not pity me for the globe-crossing treks I make. To others, they might be torture. In my eyes, this love of travel is part of God’s design of me for the work He has given. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

How satisfying to realize that my delight in travel is part of God’s design and delight, too.

The suitcase is open, the packing list lies beside it. Let the countdown begin! Please join me on this adventure by praying day by day. A prayer itinerary will be emailed out next week, so make sure you're signed up for our emails.


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You can easily contribute by going to smile.amazon.com whenever you're shopping on Amazon. After selecting your charity, it will save it to your profile so it counts toward your purchases every time you buy starting at the smile.amazon.com. 

Isn't it great how easy it is to give?! No Prime membership or shipping required.

Here's step-by-step how to use amazonsmile:

  1. Go to http://smile.amazon.com. (You can do this on a laptop or any mobile device.)

  2. Sign in to your Amazon account.

  3. Select Firefall International Inc. as your preferred nonprofit.

  4. Shop away!

Thanks for helping us make a difference in the nations...even while you're buying that new kitchen gadget or last-minute birthday present!

A Cuppa with Nancy

Nancy receives a coconut stuffed steamed bun at a riverside tea shop in Myanmar.

Nancy receives a coconut stuffed steamed bun at a riverside tea shop in Myanmar.

Today the cuppa is not my usual tea, but a delicious pour over from Ethiopia. I sip the dark and fruity brew and look out the window, studying the bare limbs of trees saluting the pale winter sky. My heart is still but full of expectation for 2017. "What is your promise for me, Lord?"

As I wait, a verse comes to mind. "Ask of Me and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance." Psalm 2:8. In this verse, Father is speaking through the ages to Jesus. As these words land in my heart, I am reminded that in Christ Jesus, this promise is mine as well. We are family. His mission is my mission. 

My response is a big smile from the inside out. I want to know the heart of Father more and live in confidence as He brings it to pass.

My heart inquires, "Lord, how do you want to order my day to extend the inheritance of Jesus?" For me, this involves conversations over lunch and afternoon tea with dear friends plus research and emails while planning the outreaches through soccer in Myanmar in April. Being a 62-year-old soccer mom is more fun than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for my unconventional assignment, filled with wonder that He picked me for His team so many years ago. 

Firefall Challenge Cup #3: April 5-8

The History of the Football Challenge Cup

Two years ago, we joined with Pastor David in central Myanmar to assist in bringing his dream of evangelism through sport to reality. Athletes in Action leaders from Spain joined the event to share testimonies in the evening sessions and to build bridges of friendship athlete to athlete.The six teams (from all over the nation, comprised of 50% non believers) ate together, played together and heard about the love of Jesus Christ for them through music, drama and testimonies of athletes. 

Watch this video to learn more

The 2017 Cup

This year's Challenge Cup will be April 5-8, 2017. The Spanish Team joining us has multiplied from 3 to 6 members. They will produce a documentary about this year's tournament and give training in sport evangelism to church leaders as well as the coaches. For the Burmese, having Spanish soccer players in their nation is wonderful. Myanmar is crazy for soccer and the Spaniards are seen as among the best! As the Spanish players share their journeys with Jesus Christ, the combination of respect and transparency is powerful in conveying the good news. Pastor David believes we will reap a mighty harvest of souls in this our third tournament. The time is now!

In addition to hosting the tournament, House of Glory Church has begun an outreach to young boys using soccer. The team is called the Eagles and they meet every Saturday under the direction of a spiritual son of David's who is also an excellent soccer player. The Spanish Team will have six days of training and sharing with these 20 boys. In fact, we will invite the boys to bring their friends for a couple of the training and sharing times. The boys are impoverished and have never heard the name of Jesus. 

How can you "join the team"?

When we divide all Firefall expenses among the 150 football players who will be impacted, the cost is $65 per playerWould you prayerfully consider sponsoring 1, 3, 5, even 10 players? 100% of your gift will go to this creative evangelistic outreach.  (Just make a note on PayPal that you would like to give to the football outreach.)


We have now reached out goal of 150 sponsorships!

Thank you for your generous help and support!

Welcome to the new Firefall International website!

One of our main goals at Firefall International is to help you connect to the world around you and to be a part of a greater mission.

Since I was young, my parents have been focused on this calling, not only encouraging missionaries from across the world but also providing all of us back home in the states with unique opportunities for support and partnership. 

You may have noticed that this website looks and feels a lot different than our old one, and there's a reason for that. Although our mission hasn't changed, the world (and internet) around us has. With that in mind, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to be involved with the work of our nonprofit.

So, maybe you want to give to the Reading Room in Myanmar or buy a pair of football (soccer) cleats for a youth in Southeast Asia. Maybe you just want to see what we're up to by reading a newsletter. Maybe this is your first interaction with Firefall and you just want to get more acquainted with who we are and what we do.

We hope that all of that is easier than it's ever been with our site.

We're excited to continue this new season of Firefall International, and we hope you'll join us. It's going to be an exciting, rewarding and inspiring journey we can ensure that!

-Grace, Web Media Manager