Nancy receives a coconut stuffed steamed bun at a riverside tea shop in Myanmar.
Today the cuppa is not my usual tea, but a delicious pour over from Ethiopia. I sip the dark and fruity brew and look out the window, studying the bare limbs of trees saluting the pale winter sky. My heart is still but full of expectation for 2017. "What is your promise for me, Lord?"
As I wait, a verse comes to mind. "Ask of Me and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance." Psalm 2:8. In this verse, Father is speaking through the ages to Jesus. As these words land in my heart, I am reminded that in Christ Jesus, this promise is mine as well. We are family. His mission is my mission.
My response is a big smile from the inside out. I want to know the heart of Father more and live in confidence as He brings it to pass.
My heart inquires, "Lord, how do you want to order my day to extend the inheritance of Jesus?" For me, this involves conversations over lunch and afternoon tea with dear friends plus research and emails while planning the outreaches through soccer in Myanmar in April. Being a 62-year-old soccer mom is more fun than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for my unconventional assignment, filled with wonder that He picked me for His team so many years ago.