When I first met Brother A (shortened for security purposes) a few years ago, he was shy and reserved to the point of not making eye contact when we conversed. His faith journey from Buddhist monk to follower of Jesus was punctuated by a powerful heavenly vision, surrender to Jesus and subsequent baptism followed by speedy transport to a new city for his protection. Soon after this, persecution and bodily harm came his way from former religious leaders and his own family. Brother A remained steadfast in his resolve to follow only Jesus Christ, whatever the cost.
Pastor David and others mentored him over the years, pouring in time, encouragement and prayer for healing in both body and soul. Brother A began to find joy and meaning in serving others in the local church. He shared his testimony when asked and grew in relationship with young and old in the local fellowship.
Brother A on his new (used) motorbike given by Firefall support. Learn more in this blog article!
Last year, House of Glory commissioned Brother A and sent him to a village nearby to establish a place to share the love of Jesus Christ where there were no believers. Church members give sacrificially each month to meet the rent and expenses for Brother A to serve the community in the love of God. Brother A is undergirded by House of Glory in prayer as well as ministry teams who come out to serve in various forms of outreach.
Brother A's village will be sending a football team to compete in the Firefall Football Challenge #5 at the end of this month. There is hunger to compete in the tournament and to hear more about the One who walked out of his own grave and offers eternal life to those who believe in Him.
This video above shows Brother A joyfully leading village children in singing as they gathered for a summer Bible school program two weeks ago. When I see the changes God is making both in and through this brother's life, my heart swells with gratitude and worship at the work of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives to transform us from glory to glory.
"Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." Isaiah 61:7
Thank you, Firefall friends, for your prayers as we ask the Lord of the harvest to send out and bless workers to share the love of Jesus Christ.
Find out how you can help with the last 31 of our sponsorships for the upcoming Firefall Challenge Cup #5.