On May 14, devastating Cyclone Mocha ripped through parts of Myanmar. Only months before, our associate there welcomed 19 young people who had tragically lost their parents. His family of 5 became a family of 24.
Then the cyclone hit. Their two-story home lost its roof. It was ripped off by 130 mph winds, leaving the second floor exposed. Neighbors who lived in bamboo houses lost everything. They all huddled on the first floor. Firefall friends provided emergency food, water and other basic supplies.

Materials to replace the roof were scarce, and when they could be found the price gougers were charging 4 to 5 times the normal rate. Authorities prevented more materials from being shipped to the devastated areas.
Then the rains came
During monsoon season, the family was living on the first floor with rains pouring down on them with no roof for protection. Our hearts were broken by their suffering. We all cried out to the Lord to intervene in what seemed to be an impossible situation. “Lord, make a way for their roof to be replaced!” You prayed with us, too.
David determined to ask permission for materials from the city of Mandalay (purchased at normal prices) to be trucked into the devastated area. It was a long shot. The government official who reviewed the application noticed that it was submitted by “House of Glory.” He asked, “Is this group associated with Glory Football Club? I’ve watched them play.” The application was approved, and the materials were purchased and transported. Construction has begun to repair the roof.
The material and transport costs were $3,000 and construction costs $1,500. This family has endured so much tragedy, yet God is making a way for their home to be restored as he restores their lives by His grace and power.
Your investment in this project will help demonstrate the compassion of Jesus to this dear brother, his family and the 19 children in his care. Can you even imagine opening your heart and home to so many?
We thank you, Firefall partners, for your regular giving that provides food and school supplies for these children. Let’s pray they will know the love of Jesus and healing for their hearts in this caring home.
But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. -Psalm 10:14