God is moving in unprecedented ways in the nation of Myanmar and you are part of it! The power of your prayer and the generosity of your support is transforming lives for eternity.
In many ways, 2022 was a terrible year in Myanmar. Thousands were killed or imprisoned by an evil government. Others were displaced (internally displaced people) when their homes and villages were burned to the ground or bulldozed into rubble. Floods and disease have added to the misery.
All this trauma has opened doors to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus through feeding programs and providing other essentials like clothing and bedding.
2,100 people heard the gospel during 8 Christmas outreaches
60% of them had never before heard the name of Jesus
95% were unbelievers

Seeds of faith were planted in hearts and many requested Bibles to learn more about following Jesus.
And here are some statistics from what we’ve accomplished together throughout 2022:
Please pray with us and, if you are willing, even increase your prayer in 2023 that this season of revival, this visitation of God’s Spirit in Myanmar, will continue and grow. With God all things are possible. (Mt. 19:26)