Light Shining Through Darkness in Myanmar

Daring to Face the Storm

The young people of Myanmar (Burma) feel like a lost generation, feeling like they have lost their future. Schools are closed by the government, jobs are scarce, and they’re dependent on their parents when they’d rather be charting their own course in life. Some have even died in the streets marching for democracy. There’s a dark cloud of discouragement and desperation that hangs over them, stealing their spiritual, emotional and physical strength.

Youth Camp

House of Glory gathered together about 65 young people for 4 days of looking to Jesus for hope. They played games, ate together and Pastor David shared from Psalm 107 about daring to face the storm.

28 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,

and he brought them out of their distress.

29 He stilled the storm to a whisper;

the waves of the sea were hushed.

Lives Changed, Bondages Broken

The Holy Spirit met them, setting them free by the power of Jesus! Many testified to the church with tears of how darkness left and peace returned to them.

Please continue to pray for these young people as they dare to face the storm and live boldly for the glory of the Lord.

After 14 Months…Smiles!

Millions of internally displaced people (IDPs) are refugees in their own nation. Family and friends have been killed mercilessly. Whole villages have been burned and land stolen. Some have fled to Pastor David’s city for refuge. They came in waves, 60, 70, 80 at a time, from infants to the elderly. Firefall International has responded to their desperate needs by providing food, blankets, clothing and the comfort of knowing that someone cares about their suffering.

They told David, “We haven’t smiled in 14 months.” Others have already read through the evangelistic Bibles - twice! This ongoing ministry of the compassion of Jesus is possible because of the generous support of Firefall friends.

Because of the political restrictions and the danger of travel, David had not been face to face with one of the church planters in neighboring Rakhine State for 5 years. This month, David made the trip and found 19 orphans living with the church planting couple. Their parents had been brutally killed and their homes burned.

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to bring healing from the trauma these precious children have experienced.

“I will not leave you as orphans, I will come again to you.” John 14:18

Reading Room Reopens

The House of Glory Reading Room and Library reopened last month in its new home on the first floor of the House of Glory Community Center. And, boy, was it a grand reopening! So many people in the community have come asking to become members, 71 in one week, which puts the number of members well over 1,000! Eliz, the director, tells us that many are influencers and leaders in the community. They are medical doctors, engineers, business leaders, university students and even military officers. Parents are bringing their children to explore the section of children’s books. More children’s books are on the way to meet the need.

Please pray for creative ways to serve these new clients. We want them to experience kindness and God’s love while in the Reading Room.

The reading room continues to fulfill the vision of building bridges of friendship and serving the community.

“You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Mt. 5:14