I get a kick from walking across a university campus.
Maybe it’s the historical architecture or maybe it's the atmosphere of optimism that learning can create a better world. I am a Learner, at least that’s what the StrengthsFinder assessment told me.
This year, I was asked to design and teach a doctoral level course on Missional Ministry in the School of Divinity of Regent University. It was an online course, so I was in front of my computer rather than in some historical building, but the results were still inspiring. My class of doctoral candidates were men and women, racially diverse, and from several denominations. Most were serving churches as the lead pastor.
For 15 weeks we read, prayed, discussed and learned together. I don’t know what you imagine goes on in a class like this, but in this one (PMIN 761), the Holy Spirit was at work to bring spiritual and missional transformation.
Some of the books from Jim’s course
Eighty percent of the churches in America have reached a plateau or are in decline. One student said that 75% of the churches in his denomination have not seen a conversion in a decade. American church life must be radically transformed to once again obey Jesus’ commission to make disciples.
Several of the students in my class were able to reorient their ministry goals and methods because of the impact of the class, with a renewed commitment to making disciples.
After this experience, I envision an academic setting where, more than gaining knowledge, lives are transformed, godly vision is united with faith, and obedient men and women commit their lives to make disciples and glorify Jesus.
By God’s grace that is what we experienced. I believe that God has opened another door of ministry to fulfill his Great Commission by multiplying leaders who say “Yes” to the call of God.