I love it when a plan comes together. I love it even more when I see God bring together his plan to transform lives through the gospel!
Aung was a Buddhist monk, daily wearing orange robes and living in a monastery. He was famous for his skill in writing Buddhist poetry and music, until he came to a gospel outreach led by Pastor David. Was he there as a spy to report David to the authorities?
With typical boldness, David preached the gospel. Surprising everyone, Aung responded to the call for salvation. He said he “saw the gates of heaven and the gates of hell.” He was converted and baptized and quickly removed from the area before he could be killed for his conversion.
Aung has spent the last few years studying the Bible, growing in faith and serving the Lord through the local church. Now he’s stepping out to evangelize and plant a church in a village where there is no church.
But there’s more to this story.
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” While God was preparing Aung for good works, he was preparing the good works at the same time.
God at work:
This is the home village for Daniel, David’s associate pastor. Daniel has traveled here for years planting seeds of the gospel and praying.
Firefall friends provided for a fresh water well in this village to meet a desperate need and open the hearts of the villagers.
Some of the soccer players from the national championship Glory Football Club formed a team with some of the young men of the village and won regional matches. The whole village was excited to win — and open to the gospel.
Now Aung has been sent out and supported by House of Glory Church to continue building relationships, sharing the good news of Jesus and joining those who follow Jesus into a vibrant, new church
Aung and his motorbike
Because of your faithful and generous giving to Firefall, a used motorbike was purchased to aid in Aung’s work in ministry.
He is also using his redeemed gifts in poetry and music to glorify God.
God’s plan is coming together and you are a part of his plan!
Please pray for Aung as he follows Jesus in this new adventure of faith.
Prayer for dedication of the motorbike for village ministry